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CPE/CSC 481 Knowledge-Based Systems Winter 2010

CPE/CSC 481-W10 Knowledge-Based Systems Assignment 3: Family Relationships

Status Final
Points 25
DeadlineThu, Feb. 11


This assignment builds upon the knowledge base for family members from the previous assignment. The task here is to specify additional relationships between individuals that can be derived from existing relationships. For example, if the "mother" and "father" relationships are given, the "parent" relationship can be derived from those, essentially by saying that if a person is somebody's father or mother, they are a parent of that person.


In particular, you should:


Below you find a partial listing for a CLIPS knowledge base on family relationships. (Your templates for the original knowledge base may be different, which can require modifications in the rules as well.) Your task is to complete the rules so that the following relationships are covered:

In this assignment, you can restrict yourself to traditional families consisting of husband, wife, and possibly children. You do not need to consider more complex relationships that may arise as a consequence of divorce, adoption, or similar circumstances. In case of doubt, specify the exact relationship as a comment.

Partial Sample Program

A partial sample of a CLIPS program for family relationships will be available after the submission deadline for the previous assignment through this link: Family Knowledge Base sample. You may have to modify some aspects to reflect the structure of the knowledge base you use.


This assignment should be submitted electronically via Blackboard's assignment submission feature. Details will be discussed in class.

You must submit the following items:

  1. a diagram of the family tree you are using
  2. a file containing the knowledge base (facts and rules) for the family tree
  3. a file with the rules for the family relationships
  4. a file with at least one test run for each of the requested relationships
  5. a README file with instructions for using your program

The first two items can be identical to the ones from the previous assignment, and will not be graded. Their main purpose is to provide the whole set of relevant items in one package.

Grading Guidelines

I will use the following grading guidelines:

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