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CPE/CSC 481 Knowledge-Based Systems Winter 2009

CPE/CSC 481-W09 Knowledge-Based Systems Term Paper

Status Draft
Points 100
Deadlinesee below

In place of the midterm and final for this course, we decide to do a written term paper on a topic related to knowledge-based systems. The term paper may be on the same topic as the AI Nugget presentation (it doesn't have to, however). The paper can be done individually, or by teams of students. If you do it as a team, the length of the paper should be expanded accordingly. I will use the paper for individual evaluations, and may assign different scores for co-authors. You need to state who is responsible for which parts of the paper.


The topic for the term paper must be pre-approved by the instructor. A topic proposal must be submitted via Blackboard.

You topic proposal should include

Deadlines and Due Date

Topic Proposal
Thursday Week 4
Draft Version
Thursday Week 6
Final Version
Thursday Week 9

Late submission may be subject to a penalty of 10% per business day.


The paper should follow the requirements for submissions to one of the following publications:

I expect papers to be 4,000-6,000 words long, which corresponds to roughly 5-10 pages (depending on formatting).


You paper should contain the information listed below.

Draft and Final Version

The draft version should be "content complete"; this means that all parts and sections of the paper should have text, figures, diagrams, code, or other content elements you may plan to use. It may have deficiencies in the formulation, formatting, use of citations, or accordance with the publication guidelines.

The final version should not have any of the above deficiencies, and respect all the publication guidelines that are provided by the editors or publishers. For professional publications, this is also often referred to as "camera-ready" version, indicating that the appearance of that version is almost identical to the one that will appear in the publication (the publisher typically adds headers and footers with information like running titles and page numbers.

The Role of Peer Reviewers

In addition to writing a term paper, you are required to act as peer reviewer or commentator on two papers written by other students. In this capacity, your task is to make sure that the material is presented in such a way that it is as easy as possible for readers to benefit from the paper. This includes, but is not restricted to the following:

The issues above are typically addressed when professionals review articles submitted to academic journals, and are usually followed by a recommendation to publish the article, reject it, or to ask the author for modifications. To this end, the evaluators fill out a review form, and return it to the editor of the journal, who then makes the final decision about publication, rejection, or a request for modification of the paper.

The identity of the reviewers is usually only known to the editor; otherwise, authors who are unhappy with the evaluation of their paper may be tempted to retribute against the reviewers. In order to keep the administrative overhead low, we will conduct open reviews, where the authors know the identity of the reviewer.

You can find further information on the reviewing process, in particular for Computer Science publications, at

Specifically for this class, you need to complete a peer review form for the draft version, and submit it to the respective BlackBoard Wiki or discussion forum (as a reply to the posting of the paper). After the final version is available, the reviewers will check if the authors fixed any errors, and addressed the concerns brought up by the reviewers. This does not necessarily mean that the authors will have to adhere to all the suggestions made by the reviewers, but they should make a conscious decision to address or not address every issue. Some professional publications require authors to submit additional statements explaining the changes made in response to reviewer suggestions, and justifying their decisions.

Term Paper Writing Tips

Grading Guidelines

The overall score for writing the paper and the reviewing activities is 100, distributed as follows:<\p>

Related Work

You can find examples of papers at the CPSR and ACM Crossroads Web pages. Of particular interest may be submissions by former Cal Poly students, such as Eric Rall's paper on Shrinkwrap licenses, and Rom Yatziv's paper on Spyware: Do You Know Who's Watching You?. Note: I just saw that the papers are not available anymore, but there's still a listing of the Essay Contest Winners. There is also a number of articles in the ACM Crossroads magazine, (which contains only submissions by students) that are relevant to this class, although most of them are a little dated by now: Acknowledgement: I believe this was originally put together by John Dalbey, with modifications by Clark Turner and Lori Fisher. Adopted with further modifications by Franz J. Kurfess in Winter 2003, Spring 2005, Spring 2007, and Winter 2009.
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