Individual Status Report Template

Each individual is required to write a weekly status report in his or her lab notebook. The due date is the first class meeting of the subsequent week. The "Boss" is very serious that you write quality status reports, so you should take them seriously also.  Don't be vague or attempt to "snowjob."  Be concrete and quantitative.  If you are having problems or are going to be late with a deliverable, be honest.  Remember the Boss wants to know NOW that there is a problem so he can take action to correct it while he still has time and resources to spend.

Name and Date Submitted:
Date every status report and specify the period the report covers.
If you report is submitted electronically, then beneath your name please include an HTML "mailto" tag, for example:
<a href="">
(Note there is no blank after the colon).

Personal Accomplishments:
Describe action items or tasks that you have completed; don't speculate about the future. Sentences that begin "I started" or "I almost" are not describing an accomplishment.  Saying "I worked on ..." is vague and will earn you the Boss's wrath. The Boss wants you to document RESULTS -- what did you complete, what tangible form is it in? Here are some examples.

Current Action Items
List action items that you are currently working on that are yet to be completed.  List each action item and its due date.  You may refer to a permanent action item table kept elsewhere in your notebook.

Personal List of Late Tasks and Action Items:
List action items that you did not complete by the due date during this reporting period. List any other tasks you were supposed to have finished but didn't. You may, if you wish, provide explanations but do not make excuses or cast blame.

Personal Problems and Questions:
Describe any difficulties you are having, be they technical, personal, or interpersonal.

Team Problems
Describe your perception of any problems your team is experiencing. 

Change Log
1/2/06 Moved Time Logs to a separate document.
3/28/04 Revised Late tasks section.
1/21/04  JD  Added "Mailto" tag line.
10/21/03  J. Dalbey   Changed time log directions - record only PROJECT related activities, not homework or lecture related activities.