Status Report Examples

Here are some examples from the "personal accomplishments" section of student status reports. Notice that being specific and concrete is better than vague and general.

Poor: Helped make screen shots for UI.
Better: Using Microsoft FrontPage I created an HTML prototype of the CreateShiftTemplate page of the UI.
Better: Jack and I drew a sketch on graph paper showing how we want to layout the components of the EditKey dialog box.

Poor: I also helped to restructure the user interface prototype
Poor: Made modifications to UI prototype
Better: I editted the menu bar on the main screen of the UI so the items are consistent with Windows standard.

Poor: I also was able to help the team come to conclusive decisions regarding the specific GUI for the program that we are designing.
Better: I participated in a team discussion debating various UI styles. We decided a command line interface would be best for our product and I served as recorder and wrote the list of commands we decided to use.

Poor: Materialized some concepts for the storyboard and program in general including color options and icons.
Better: I decided what color scheme to use for our UI background, menus, and windows. I added this description as a footnote in our UI prototype.

Poor: I made a basic layout for the User Manual
Better: I wrote a chapter outline of the entire User Manual.

Poor: I learned some basic java coding.
Better: I wrote, compiled, and executed a simple java program that counts to 100.

Poor: I wrote the part of the user manual that I was in charge of and added it to the part written by a fellow group member
Better: I wrote the user manual section for SelectAvailableHours and appended it to the HTML document Sally had posted on our team web page.

Poor: Decided on Version Control system.
Better: I evaluated several PC version control software tools and selected the PCVS tool for our team. I wrote a paragraph of download and installation instructions and emailed all the team members.

Poor: We have started preliminary planning on an idea of a second working prototype designed by ouir designer.
Better: Jack and I wrote a half page list of ideas we want to incorporate into the second version of our prototype.

Poor: Made progress on the high level design.
Critique: How do you know? Describe objective accomplishments. Is there now a list of candidate classes posted on the wiki? Is there now a photo of a whiteboard conceptual drawing? What has changed that has given you the impression of "progress"? Be specific, and tangible if possible.


Student 1 wrote:
Drew up several storyboards, and scanned them for the web page.

Student 2 wrote:
Completed rough draft of user interface.(Sketched the storyboard).
Attended 10/4 team meeting, participated in sketching of preliminary stroyboard and created dialogue boxes.

Critique: Because both of these reports are vague, it sounds like two students are taking credit for accomplishing the same task (sketching the storyboard).