CSC476++ - Real-Time 3D Computer Graphics Software Systems

Professor: Zoë J. Wood

Welcome to 3D gaming. This course will teach you some of the important computer graphics principals of 3D games. This course is primarily focused on the graphics components of interactive 3D games/worlds. We will cover advanced real-time graphics techniques mostly in the context of games. This course requires substantial math and programming skills. Experience with C or C++ will be essential and experience with linear algebra will be very helpful. We will be using OpenGL and GLSL for our graphics APIs, along with C++ to create computer graphics games throughout the quarter (You are required to use ‘modern graphics programming’ for all assignments*). You are welcome to develop your programs under varying operating systems as long as the final programs can be demonstrated and run on multiple machines for the final game play demo.


Final project description

Lab 1

Past Final projects from the one quarter long class:
Final Projects Spring 2020
Final Projects Spring 2019
Final Projects Winter 2017
Final Projects Spring 2015
Final Projects Spring 2014
Final Projects Winter 2013
Final Projects Winter 2012
Final Projects Spring 2011
Final Projects Winter 2011
Final Projects Spring 2010
Final Projects Spring 2009
Final Projects Fall 2008
Final Projects Spring 2007

References (some aging):
List of resources compiled by past 476 student:
Bob Somers
Ian Dunn
Daniel Hall

A decent C++ intro, tho I disagree with parts
Tyra data - use this data for playing with normal mapping if you want

Ancient class link