Super Galaxy T-Rex

By Oliver Xia, Toby Elder, Charles Lockner, Skylar Durst, Alyssa Compania, and Raymond Pederson


It is the year 2015. Researchers have made a major breakthrough in the resurrection of ancient dinosaurs. Unfortunately, the world has discovered a meteor falling straight towards the Earth and will collide with it in just 5 minutes. In the massive amounts of confusion and mayhem, one of the dino-researchers accidentally drops a vial of super-volatile-genetic-resurrection-soup that breaks and transforms into a baby t-rex. Remembering the tragedy that ended the reign of the dinosaurs, you, as the t-rex, realize the meaning of your existence. In order to save the planet you must eat and destroy everything in sight until you are large enough to stop the meteor.

This game is an apocalyptic survival game. The player controls a T-Rex that starts out small and slowly grows as the player eats more and more. The entire world of this game is consumable and the only caveat is that the T-Rex has to reach a certain size before it can eat certain things. The player needs to eat enough so the meter on the left side fills to the top before the meteor-meter on the right side comes crashing down. If the player is able to do this, the T-Rex will be big enough to stop the meteor before it collides with everything on the ground! Otherwise, the meteor will destroy everything in the game world along with the T-Rex, and the player will lose.

How to Play!

To move forward - Press W
To move backward - Press S
To move left - Press A
To move right - Press D


To become giant and single-handedly save the world from the inevitable meteor strike. The player will achieve this through the t-rex’s ability to grow larger, by eating everything in sight.

Advanced Technologies of T-Rex

  • Shadow Mapping
  • Animation by keyframes
  • Texture Mapping
  • Normal Mapping
  • Audio
  • HUD Meters
  • FXAA
  • Binary Space Partitioning Tree Data Structure
  • Mesh reduction for models
  • Particle effects

Look and See

Sample Pictures

References Used

I hope you'll enjoy Super T-Rex Galaxy!

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