Do you have what it takes to best the mountain? Can you scale to the summit while avoiding the pitfalls? Enter the smorgasfjord and discover for yourself.


In this game you play as Björn Rölfsson a viking who must climb to the top of a mountain. To ascend the mountain you will use your great stength along with your unique hammer. This hammer is a hammer on one side and an ice pick on the other. Using the hammer side you may smash into the ground and propel yourself great distances. You can lodge the ice pick into a wall to stop yourself from falling as well as to climb.

Björn and his hammer at the bottom of the mountain


Controling Björn is simple. Just use 'a' to move left and 'd' to move right. You may also jump with the spacebar. You can move the camera to look up and down using 'w' and 's'. Hammer control is done with mouse movement. In addition, left clicking will spin your hammer to the other side, and right clicking will lock the hammer at it's current rotation.


The bottom of the mountain is relatively safe, but there are still dangers

How can we cross this gap?

Lets use our hammer!

We can jump over that with ease

There are more than just pitfalls on this mountain.

How can we get over this wall?

Lets use our pick!

We can scale walls of any height

As you move up the mountain your path will become more difficult and fog will thicken making it harder to see.

Not so easy anymore

A video displaying a playthrough of the level


The following technologies were implemented for this game:

  • Shadow Maps
  • Uniform Spacial Subdivision
  • View Frustum Culling
  • Level Builder
  • Blinn-Phong Shading with Distance Attenuation
  • Fog Effect


Shadow mapping tutorial
FMOD audio guide
Blinn-Phong shading
3D Model Importing with Assimp

Hope You Enjoyed!

Nick Clarke, Neil Nordhof, Donald Van Steenwyk, Taylor Woods