CPE 476 Final Project

The White Room

By Phyllis Douglas, Sean Risser,
Brian Yabuki, & Ben Tupas


The White Room is an escape-the-room puzzle game. Players must solve 3 puzzles to open the door that leads out of the room. Solving each puzzle will trigger the start of the next puzzle until the door is finally opened.


* Mouse Move: Moves the direction the camera is facing
* Mouse Left Click: Interact with certain objects in the room
* 'w' Key: Moves the character forward
* 'a' Key: Moves the character to the left
* 's' Key: Moves the character backward
* 'd' Key: Moves the character to the right
* 'q' Key: Quit Game at Any Time

User Instructions

picture of Start Screen

Start Screen
Click anywhere on the start screen to begin.

picture/clip of Game Play

Game Play
Move around the room and interact with objects in order to solve the various puzzles, and ultimately open the door to exit the room.


Audio engine: FMOD

Windowing System
We used GLFW for interacting with OpenGL.

* Highlight Shader: Idea taken from Lighthouse3d
* Particles Shader and Idea: information used from here

OBJ Loader
OBJ format information from here.
Loader made from CPE 471's model loader.

Models were provided by students in the Maya modeling art class.

Uniform Spatial Subdivision
Information from here: cs.cmu.edu

The scene is lighted using the Phong shading model.
* Deferred Shading
Tutorials from here: ogldev.atspace.co.uk

Tutorial to create fog in GLSL.

Source Code

Source Code (Linux Only, .zip)

To Compile:
Make sure that you have GLFW installed on your system before trying to compile the code. Also, make sure that your OpenGL version is 3+.

Type "make" in the directory where you unzipped the files to. After, type "./The-White-Room" and enjoy trying to escape The White Room.