Anh Viet Nguyen
   This project compares different forms of mapping.
      - texture mapping
      - normal mapping
      - parallax mapping
      - parallax occlusion mapping

   WASD - Change light source position
   Arrows - Change the camera position
   Spacebar - Rotate between the different mappings
   , - Decrease height for parallax mapping and parallax occlusion mapping
   . - Increase height for parallax mapping and parallax occlusion mapping
   Esc - Quit program

   Figure 1 - Texture Mapping

   Figure 2 - Normal Mapping

   Figure 3 - Parallax Mapping

   Figure 4 - Parallax Occlusion Mapping with Specular Lighting

   Practical Dynamic Parallax Occlusion Mapping
   Closer Look At Parallax Occlusion Mapping
   Microsoft Direct X SDK