CPE 471 Final Project

Evan Nickel

Behold! The Map! Well, part of it anyway.


The purpose of this program is to guide the player through a semi-realistic story and simulation of preparation for a zombie apocalypse.

There are 3 levels:

  1. The player must find and acquire the best weapon for killing zombies he can.
  2. The player must find a gather 4 items in the order of most important to least important.
  3. The player must place 3 barriers in the best strategic locations for maximum protection from zombie hordes.

All story and instructions are output to the terminal.

The simulation is largely randomly generated (maze paths, item locations, obstacle sizes), so it's different every time.
All the models and geometry are hierarchically modeled and randomly scaled and placed into its general zone within the world.

The player is then given a final score (percentage) based on how well he did on the 3 tasks.

There may be a hidden surprise at the end!


Acquire items by running into them.

Click and Drag : Pitch and yaw camera camera

w: Walk forward

s: Walk backwards

a: Strife to the left

d: Strife to the right

[spacebar]: Jump

z: Build barrier (level 3 only)

q: Quit


There is a horde of zombies headed straight for your town! You have a small amount of time to prepare.

Quick! Find the best weapon you can! There should be a few here in the suburbs.

The zombies could be here any minute, and you're gonna need a few more things.

The Horde is here! They're coming from the forest through the suburbs! You need to hold the barn, build 3 barriers for maximum fortification.

Well, looks like the military blew up the town and all the zombies, good timing.

The falling missile and the fire is animated.

The final score is calculated based on the point value of the first weapon the player gets, the order in which the player gets
the support items, and the strategic placement of the 3 barriers. Everything is added together and divvied by the maximum
possible to give the player a final percentage out of 100%.
