(the baby version)

a final project by Bhargav Brahmbhatt


My final project was inspired by the Windows '95 game Ski Free. You may be familiar with getting eaten

by a yeti no matter how good you were in that game. While I didn’t want to completely turn that into a

3D version, I wanted to loosely model it.

The idea is that you’re skiing in first person down a snowy slope and avoiding the trees and

other paraphernalia you may find on a mountainside while skiing. Rather than guaranteeing that a

player would be eaten by a yeti past a certain point in the game, this version is be much simpler and

user-friendly, allowing a user to continue to ski down the slope at increasing speeds until he or she

collides with an object or reaches the end.



A big thanks to Swiftless Tutorials for helping me out with the particle system.


A good example of the snow particle system

Flying through the obstacles