Simulated Blobby Modeling


Mike Patterson

Wednesday, December 3, 2003

CPE - 471


This is a real-time blobby modeling program that allows a user to move two spherical meshes into one another.  When a threshold has been reached the meshes will begin to fuse into one another, similar to the way drops of water fuse.  Meshes will be surface-voxelized (sectioned into cubes that approximate the surface) to reduce the overhead involved in making fusing calculations. These voxels are represented as tiny spheres and their varying positions will create the illusion of fusion.




User’s Guide

Fusion Stages


  • The program should be run as follows: 

                final.exe meshes/sphere.m meshes/sphere.m

  • To manipulate a blob, simply left click down on the blob to select it and drag the mouse to translate it.
  • To manipulate the entire scene, simply right click down anywhere and drag the mouse to rotate the camera like a trackball.


Keyboard Functions (under all circumstances)

'a'          -   toggle the axes

'h'          -   print the help menu

'o'          -   toggle the viewing mode between orthographic and perspective

‘Esc’    -   quit the program


Keyboard Functions (after right clicking anywhere in the scene)

'r’          -   reset the camera position to (0, 0, 1)




Keyboard Functions (when a blob is selected with the left mouse)

'['          -   decrease the voxelization density


']'          -   increase the voxelization density

NOTE: The following effects only appear while NOT in blobby modeling mode

'1'          -   draw the blob using the EMERALD material

'e'          -   toggle drawing the mesh's edges

'2'          -   draw the blob using the BRASS material

'f'          -   use the flat shading model to render the mesh

'3'          -   draw the blob using the JADE material

'g'          -   use the Gouraud shading model to render the mesh

'4'          -   draw the blob using the PEARL material

'l'          -   toggle drawing the mesh as an ink sketch

'5'          -   draw the blob using the CHROME material

't'          -   toggle drawing the mesh as a cartoon

'6'          -   draw the blob using the GOLD material

'u'          -   toggle between the mesh's assigned material settings (from the file) and the selected preset material (accessed by the numeric keys).  The default setting uses the mesh's assigned material, if it has one otherwise it uses EMERALD.

'7'          -   draw the blob using the OBSIDIAN material

'8'          -   draw the blob using the BLACK_RUBBER material

'b'          -   toggle drawing the blob as a blobby modeled object

'v'          -   toggle drawing the mesh's vertices

'o'          -   toggle between orthographic and perspective viewing

'w'          -   toggle drawing the mesh as a wireframe

'r'          -   reset all blob transformations


'z'          -   toggle full screen mode