An "Escape The Room" Game by Joshua Maass

CPE 471, Fall 2010

About the Game

A typical "escape the room" game is characterized by a simple premise: You somehow find yourself in locked room with no apparent way to get out. The ultimate goal of these games is to escape from the room, so you must search the room for any items and clues and then use what you find to help you escape.

ESCAPE is a relatively simple game (compared to most other escape games that I've played). Within this locked room there are several places for you to search -- some shelves, a locked dresser, and a model boat to name a few. You will also come across a handful of items along with the occasional puzzle to be solved.

Playing the Game

ESCAPE is played using the mouse. Clicking on the arrows along the edge of the room viewport will rotate the camera about the center of the room. This will allow you to see each of the room's four walls.

Clicking on certain objects/furniture will allow the camera to zoom in on that object/furniture. Also, clicking along the sides or underneath furniture might allow you to look at it from a different angle, which may reveal what you couldn't see before. Clicking on the arrow in the upper-left corner will take you back to the previous view.

Certain items in the room can be picked up by clicking on them. All items that you have found will be displayed in the inventory viewport on the right side of the screen. Clicking on an item in the viewport will make that item your active item, as indicated by a yellow border around item's picture. An item needs to be active in order for you to use it. For example, clicking on a locked drawer while the key is in your inventory will do nothing, but clicking on the drawer while you have the key as your active item will unlock the drawer. Of course, an item will only work if it is used in the correct place. Items that you have used will appear darkened in the inventory viewport, indicating that the item has served its purpose and can no longer be used anymore.

Pressing 'Q' on the keyboard will exit the game.


A view of the door. The items that have been found are displayed in the inventory viewport on the right. The square key has a yellow border around it, showing that it has been selected as the active item. The blue block and the triangle key both appear darkened, indicating that these items have already been used.

A view of the model boat. From here, all we can see is the boat and the name plate, but by clicking on the boat's smokestacks . . .

. . . the camera zooms in, revealing a key hidden inside.

A view of an electronic safe, one of the many different kinds of puzzles we can expect to find in an escape game.
