CPE 101
Fall 2006
Laboratory 9

Due Date








This lab will involve developing a small C program which handles data about the zoo.  You will be creating your own type, a record/structure, in order to store the animal information used by the zoo.  You will need to develop a variety of functions to process this data. 

Part 0: Creating the data type and reading in data…

Start out by defining a structure to store animal data.  This structure must include:
      The type of animal (80 char maximum)
      The number of that type of animals currently in the zoo

You will also be writing a variety of functions which operate on the animal data.  You will read an initial zoo database from file, however, every day animals are born and die or are transferred to the zoo and the population will change and your program data must reflect this. Note that the zoo at most will ever only have a total of 30 different types of animals.  Write the appropriate code to parse the zoo data from an input file and store it. 

Write a function to print out the zoo data.  The initial input should print out as follows:

animal 0:

        type: penguin

        population: 10

animal 1:

        type: elephant

        population: 2

animal 2:

        type: lion

        population: 2

animal 3:

        type: monkey

        population: 4

animal 4:

        type: lemur

        population: 3

animal 5:

        type: turtle

        population: 7

animal 6:

        type: gorilla

        population: 2

animal 7:

        type: otter

        population: 2

animal 8:

        type: fish

        population: 42

animal 9:

        type: parrot

        population: 12       


Next you will be developing several functions to update the zoo population.  Start by adding a dialogue loop to prompt the user to either update the zoo data or exit (a selection of 1 means the user wants to update the zoo database, while a 0 means the user wants to exit the program).  If the user wants to edit the database, your program should prompt for the type of animal and then change its population.  You must write code to handle multiple kinds of changes to the population:

1)      either an addition or loss in the population,

2)      or the addition of a new animal type

3)      or the loss of the entire type of a given animal population. 

In order to handle these changes you must write code to locate if that type of animal is currently in the zoo.  If the animal is in the zoo then update the population.  If the animal is not in the zoo, then you must add it to the database.  If the current population of the animal falls to zero, you must remove that type of animal from the database.  The below example run shows all of the above mentioned population changes.  In order to handle the above population changes, please write the following functions  (Note that part of this lab is intended to help you practice using pointers as a parameter, so all of your functions will be void functions:


1)      A function which finds a given animal in the zoo database: It should take in the array of zoo data, the current number of animals in the zoo, the animal to search for and the index location where the animal is found.  The function should set the index location of where the given type of animal is located in the zoo array or a -1 if the animal was not found (use a pointer to an integer variable to accomplish this) .  Make this a void function! 

2) A function to insert a new animal into the zoo database.  The input should be the array of zoo data, the current number of animals in the zoo (but this value will change in this function!), the type of animal to add to the zoo and the population of that animal type.  Make this a void function.  For example:

void InsertAnim(animD a[], int *size, char in_anim[], int in_pop)

3) A function to update the zoo data.  This function, should take in the array of zoo data, the current number of animals in the zoo, the index of the animal you should update and the change in the population of that type of animal.  Note that this function must detect if the zoo population for the specified animal falls below zero.  If so then you need to call the ShiftArray function described next.

4) Write a function which will shift all the elements in the array of zoo data from a given index to the next position.  This function will be used if a certain type of animal has no more of its type in the zoo (i.e. the number of a given type of animal falls to 0).  This function should be a void function which takes in the array of zoo data, the current number of animals in the zoo and the index where the shift should begin.  Note that again the current number of animals in the zoo should change after the shift thus use an appropriate type to complete this task.

Each time the database is updated, please print it out again.  The following is an example run.  The user input is underlined for illustration only.  In addition, some text is highlighted and made bold to emphasize the change in the zoo population (you are not expected to re-create this in your output).

$ a.exe

animal 0:

        type: penguin

        population: 10

animal 1:

        type: elephant

        population: 2

animal 2:

        type: lion

        population: 2

animal 3:

        type: monkey

        population: 4

animal 4:

        type: lemur

        population: 3

animal 5:

        type: turtle

        population: 7

animal 6:

        type: gorilla

        population: 2

animal 7:

        type: otter

        population: 2

animal 8:

        type: fish

        population: 42

animal 9:

        type: parrot

        population: 12

To update the zoo database, enter 1, otherwise enter 0: 1

Enter the type of animal: otter

Enter the change in the population as a numeric value (e.g. 5 or -5): 1

animal 0:

        type: penguin

        population: 10

animal 1:

        type: elephant

        population: 2

animal 2:

        type: lion

        population: 2

animal 3:

        type: monkey

        population: 4

animal 4:

        type: lemur

        population: 3

animal 5:

        type: turtle

        population: 7

animal 6:

        type: gorilla

        population: 2

animal 7:

        type: otter

        population: 3

animal 8:

        type: fish

        population: 42

animal 9:

        type: parrot

        population: 12

To update the zoo database, enter 1, otherwise enter 0: 1

Enter the type of animal: fish

Enter the change in the population as a numeric value (e.g. 5 or -5): -12

animal 0:

        type: penguin

        population: 10

animal 1:

        type: elephant

        population: 2

animal 2:

        type: lion

        population: 2

animal 3:

        type: monkey

        population: 4

animal 4:

        type: lemur

        population: 3

animal 5:

        type: turtle

        population: 7

animal 6:

        type: gorilla

        population: 2

animal 7:

        type: otter

        population: 3

animal 8:

        type: fish

        population: 30

animal 9:

        type: parrot

        population: 12

To update the zoo database, enter 1, otherwise enter 0: 1

Enter the type of animal: turtle

Enter the change in the population as a numeric value (e.g. 5 or -5): -7

All of the animals of type turtle have died.

Removing them from the zoo database

animal 0:

        type: penguin

        population: 10

animal 1:

        type: elephant

        population: 2

animal 2:

        type: lion

        population: 2

animal 3:

        type: monkey

        population: 4

animal 4:

        type: lemur

        population: 3

animal 5:

        type: gorilla

        population: 2

animal 6:

        type: otter

        population: 3

animal 7:

        type: fish

        population: 30

animal 8:

        type: parrot

        population: 12

To update the zoo database, enter 1, otherwise enter 0: 1

Enter the type of animal: capybara

Enter the change in the population as a numeric value (e.g. 5 or -5): 1

Inserting new animal capybara

animal 0:

        type: penguin

        population: 10

animal 1:

        type: elephant

        population: 2

animal 2:

        type: lion

        population: 2

animal 3:

        type: monkey

        population: 4

animal 4:

        type: lemur

        population: 3

animal 5:

        type: gorilla

        population: 2

animal 6:

        type: otter

        population: 3

animal 7:

        type: fish

        population: 30

animal 8:

        type: parrot

        population: 12

animal 9:

        type: capybara

        population: 1

To update the zoo database, enter 1, otherwise enter 0: 0

Part 3: Handing in Your Source Electronically…

1.   Log on to hornet using the Secure Shell Client program (or your favorite equivalent).

2.      Change directory (cd-command) to the directory containing the source file or files to hand in.

3.      Execute the following command – be sure to replace the x in cs101-x with your section number:

            handin cs101-x lab09 lab09.c

4.     You should see messages that indicate handin occurred without error.  You can (and should) always verify what has been handed in by executing the following command:

            handin cs101-x lab09

5.   If you have any problems be sure to review the handin reference.