CSC 530 Lecture Notes Week 10

CSC 530 Lecture Notes Week 10
Algebraic Semantics

  1. A grand vision.
    1. The work pioneered by Joe Goguen on algebraic semantics is intended to have a much wider scope than just programming languages.
    2. In is grandest form, Goguen's work is a unifying theoretical framework for the following:
      1. Programming languages, including formal semantics and compilers.
      2. Software engineering, including object-oriented development, formal specification, formal testing, and formal verification.
      3. Theoretical foundations of computability.
      4. High-level computer architecture.
    3. Lest one think that this is too grand an agenda, Goguen is of sufficient intellect to pull it off.
      1. In comparison to Goguen, foundational researchers like McCarthy, Knuth, Scott, and Hoare are just your average run-of-the-mill total genius dudes.
      2. Goguen is more like your once-every-other-century ultra genius-type dudes.
    4. In theses notes, we'll look very briefly at the overall agenda for algebraic computing, but focus primarily on its application to programming languages.

  2. How the papers present the grand vision.
    1. Paper 34 presents a broad, early overview, focusing on the underlying theory and the formal semantics of algebraic programming.
    2. Paper 35 discusses algebraic theory applied to object-oriented formal specification and verification (a software engineering focus).
    3. Paper 36 describes practical algebraic programming in the OBJ programming language.
    4. Paper 37 focus on details of how an algebraic approach solves well-known problems in practical programming languages.
    5. Paper 38 outlines the vision of how an algebraic model of computation can be used to design a radically new form of computer hardware.
    6. Paper 39 is the OBJ3 language reference manual, describing the language that is used in the examples that follow in these notes.
    7. Paper 40 describes the Maude language, a popular successor to OBJ.
    8. Paper 41 is an overview of the OBJ family of languages; the paper has a large number of links to OBJ-related sites.

  3. Algebraic programming is a mind-altering experience.
    1. In comparison to the imperative and applicative languages we have studied this far in class, an algebraic programming language has the following unique properties:
      1. An algebraic PL is fully declarative.
      2. An algebraic program and its specification are identical.
      3. An algebraic PL and its formal semantics are identical.
      4. The operational execution, semantic evaluation, and formal verification of an algebraic program use the same mechanism.

  4. A stack ADT as an initial example.
    obj STACK is sort Stack .
        protecting NAT .
        op push : Stack Nat -> Stack .
        op pop : Stack -> Stack .
        op top : Stack -> Nat .
        op emptyStack : -> Stack .
        op emptyElem : -> Nat .
        var S : Stack .
        var E E' : Nat .
        eq pop(emptyStack) = emptyStack .
        eq pop(push(S, E)) = S .
        eq top(emptyStack) = emptyElem .
        eq top(push(S, E)) = E .

  5. Executing algebraically-defined ADTs.
    1. Execution of algebraic programs (i.e., specifications) is performed using term rewriting, a.k.a, term reduction.
    2. Using this technique, a program is represented as a term, which is simply an application of one or more functions to its arguments.
    3. To perform the reduction, the equations of an ADT are used as pattern matching rules.
    4. Consider the following program that uses the previously defined stack ADT:
      in Stack
      *** obj MAIN is comparable to a class or module declaration.
      obj MAIN is
          *** The protecting clause in OBJ is like importing.
          protecting STACK .
          protecting INT .
          *** An OBJ op primarily declares functions, such as main here.
          op main : -> Stack .
          *** An OBJ parameterlesss op decl can also be used to declare a single-
          *** assignment variable of a particular type
          op s1 : -> Stack .
          op s2 : -> Stack .
          op i : -> Int .
          *** OBJ equations declare what the program does.  Typically, they're used
          *** as in object STACK to define behavior of ADT operations.  They can also
          *** be used as below to simulate a form of single assignment programming.
          *** E.g., the immediately following four equations simulate the following
          *** ML-style let block:
          eq s1 = pop(push(push(push(emptyStack, 1), 2), 3)) .
          eq i = top(push(push(push(emptyStack, 1), 2), 3)) + 1 .
          eq s2 = push(push(s1, i), 5) .
          eq main = pop(s2) .
      *** The following executes program main
      reduce main .
      *** The result of execution is the stack push(push(push(emptyStack,1),2),4).

  6. Some additional examples.
    1. An ML-like list ADT.
      obj LIST is sort List .
         protecting INT .
         op car : List -> Int .
         op cdr : List -> List .
         op cons : Int List -> List .
         op append : List List -> List .
         op emptyList : -> List .
         var e : Int .
         var l l1 l2 : List .
         eq car(cons(e,l)) = e .
         eq cdr(cons(e,l)) = l .
         eq car(append(l1,l2)) = car(l1) .
         eq cdr(append(l1,l2)) = append(cdr(l1),l2) .
         eq append(emptyList,l) = l .
         eq append(l,emptyList) = l .

    2. A set-like ADT.
      th ELEM is sort Elem .
      view ELEM-TO-NAT from ELEM to NAT is
          sort Elem to Nat .
      obj SET[EL :: ELEM] is sort Set .
          op insert : Set Elem -> Set .
          op delete : Set Elem -> Set .
          op find : Set Elem -> Bool .
          op emptyset : -> Set .
          op equal : Set Set -> Bool .
          var S S' : Set .
          var E E' : Elem .
          eq find(emptyset, E) = false .
          eq find(insert(S, E), E') =
              if E == E' then true else find(S, E') fi .
          eq delete(emptyset, E) = emptyset .
          eq delete(insert(S, E), E') =
              if E == E'
              then delete(S, E')
              else insert(delete(S, E'), E)
              fi .
          eq equal(emptyset, emptyset) = true .
          eq equal(emptyset, insert(S, E)) = false .
          eq equal(insert(S, E), emptyset) = false .
          eq equal(S, insert(S', E)) =
              if find(S, E)
              then equal(delete(S, E), delete(S', E))
              else false
              fi .

    3. A binary search tree.
      in List-Int
      obj BinSearchTree is sort BST .
        protecting LIST + INT .
        op makeTree : Int BST BST -> BST .
        op root : BST -> Int .
        op find : BST Int -> BST .
        op del : BST Int -> BST .
        op reinsert : BST BST -> BST .
        op enum : BST -> List .
        op emptyTree : -> BST .
        op legalBST : BST -> Bool .   *** Optional (see below)
        op insert : BST Int -> BST .  *** Optional (ibid.)
        var b b1 b2 : BST .
        var e e1 e2 : Int .
        eq root(makeTree(e, b1, b2)) = e .
        eq find(emptyTree,e) = emptyTree .
        eq find(makeTree(e1,b1,b2),e2) =
          if legalBST(makeTree(e1,b1,b2))
          then if e1 == e2 then makeTree(e1,b1,b2)
               else if e2 < e1 then find(b1,e2)
                    else find(b2,e2) fi fi
          fi .
        eq del(emptyTree,e) = emptyTree .
        eq del(makeTree(e1,b1,b2),e2) =
          if e1 == e2 then reinsert(b1,b2)
          else if e2 < e1 then makeTree(e1,del(b1,e2),b2)
               else makeTree(e1,b1,del(b2,e2)) fi
          fi .
        eq reinsert(b,makeTree(e,b1,b2)) =
          if b1 == emptyTree
          then makeTree(e,b,b2) else makeTree(e,reinsert(b,b1),b2) fi .
        eq reinsert(b,emptyTree) = b .
        eq reinsert(emptyTree,b) = b .
        eq enum(makeTree(e,b1,b2)) = append(enum(b1), cons(e, enum(b2))) .
        eq enum(emptyTree) = emptyList .
        *** Eqns for legalBST could be expanded to check search tree well-formedness.
        eq legalBST(makeTree(e,b1,b2)) = true .
        *** Alternatively, eqns for an insert op could enforce well-formedness:
        eq insert(emptyTree,e) = makeTree(e,emptyTree,emptyTree) .
        eq insert(makeTree(e1,b1,b2),e2) =
          if e1 == e2 then makeTree(e1,b1,b2)
            if e2 < e1
            then makeTree(e1,insert(b1,e2),b2)
            else makeTree(e1,b1,insert(b2,e2))
          fi .
      *** Instantiate a BinSearchTree object
      make BST-INT is BinSearchTree endm
      *** Do some sample reductions
      reduce del(
        5) .
      *** Result is:
      *** makeTree(10,
      ***   makeTree(6,
      ***     makeTree(2,
      ***       makeTree(1,emptyTree,emptyTree),
      ***       makeTree(3,emptyTree,emptyTree)),
      ***     emptyTree),
      ***   makeTree(12,emptyTree,emptyTree))
      reduce enum(
        ) .
      *** Result is:
      *** append(append(cons(1,emptyList),cons(2,cons(3,emptyList))),
      ***    cons(5,append(cons(6,emptyList),cons(10,cons(12,emptyList)))))
      reduce car(cdr(cdr(
        )))) .
      *** Result is: 3

    4. A parameterized list.
      th ELEM is sort Elem .
      view ELEM-TO-NAT from ELEM to NAT is
          sort Elem to Nat .
      obj LIST[E :: ELEM] is sort List .
         op car : List -> Elem .
         op cdr : List -> List .
         op cons : Elem List -> List .
         op append : List List -> List .
         op emptyList : -> List .
         var e : Elem .
         var l l1 l2 : List .
         eq car(cons(e,l)) = e .
         eq cdr(cons(e,l)) = l .
         eq car(append(l1,l2)) = car(l1) .
         eq cdr(append(l1,l2)) = append(cdr(l1),l2) .
      make LIST-NAT is LIST[ELEM-TO-NAT] endm
      make LIST-INT is LIST[ELEM-TO-NAT] endm

    5. A bubble sorter.
      in list2
      th POSET is sort Elt .
        op _<_ : Elt Elt -> Bool .
        vars E1 E2 E3 : Elt .
        eq E1 < E1 = false .
        cq E1 < E3 = true if E1 < E2 and E2 < E3 .
      th TOSET is using POSET .
        vars E1 E2 E3 : Elt .
        cq E1 < E2 or E2 < E1 = true if E1 =/= E2 .
      obj BUBBLES[X :: TOSET] is
        protecting LIST[X] .
        op sorting_ : List -> List .
        op sorted_ : List -> Bool .
        vars L L' L'' : List .
        vars E E' : Elt .
        cq sorting L = L if sorted L .
        cq sorting L E E' L'' = sorting L E' E L'' if E' < E .
        eq sorted nil = true .
        eq sorted E = true .
        cq sorted E E' L = sorted E' L if E < E' or E == E' .
      in bubbles
      view NATD from POSET to NAT is
        vars L1 L2 : Elt .
        op L1 < L2 to L1 divides L2 and L1 =/= L2 .
      reduce in A is BUBBLES[NAT]  : sorting(18 5 6 3) . ***> should be: 3 5 6 18
      reduce sorting(8 5 4 2) .                          ***> should be: 2 4 5 8
      reduce in B is BUBBLES[NATD] : sorting(18 5 6 3) . ***> mightnt contain: 3 6 18
      reduce sorting(8 5 4 2) .                          ***> mightnt contain: 2 4 8

    6. A simple PL, called "Fun", similar to SIL and Tennent 13.2.
      in lib/list
      in lib/array
      *** the expressions of Fun
      obj EXP is dfn Env is ARRAY[QID,INT] .
        sorts IntExp BoolExp .
        subsorts Int Id < IntExp .
        subsorts Bool < BoolExp .
        ops (_and_)(_or_) : BoolExp BoolExp -> BoolExp .
        op not_ : BoolExp -> BoolExp .
        op _<_ : IntExp IntExp -> BoolExp .
        op _=_ : IntExp IntExp -> BoolExp .
        op if_then_else_fi : BoolExp IntExp IntExp -> IntExp .
        ops (_+_)(_-_)(_*_) : IntExp IntExp -> IntExp .
        op [[_]]_ : IntExp Env -> Int .
        op [[_]]_ : BoolExp Env -> Bool .
        var N : Int .         var T : Bool .
        vars E E' : IntExp .  vars B B' : BoolExp .
        var I : Id .          var V : Env .
        eq [[ N ]] V = N .
        eq [[ I ]] V  = V [ I ] .
        eq [[ E + E' ]] V = ([[ E ]] V) + ([[ E' ]] V) .
        eq [[ E - E' ]] V = ([[ E ]] V) - ([[ E' ]] V) .
        eq [[ E * E' ]] V = ([[ E ]] V) * ([[ E' ]] V) .
        eq [[ T ]] V = T .
        eq [[ E < E' ]] V = ([[ E ]] V) < ([[ E' ]] V) .
        eq [[(E = E')]] V = ([[ E ]] V) == ([[ E' ]] V) .
        eq [[ B and B' ]] V = ([[ B ]] V) and ([[ B' ]] V) .
        eq [[ B or  B' ]] V = ([[ B ]] V) or  ([[ B' ]] V) .
        eq [[ not B ]] V = not([[ B ]] V) .
        eq [[ if B then E else E' fi ]] V =
              if [[ B ]] V then [[ E ]] V else [[ E' ]] V fi .
      *** the statements of Fun
      obj STMT is sort Stmt .
        protecting EXP .
        op _;_ : Stmt Stmt -> Stmt [assoc] .
        op _:=_ : Id IntExp -> Stmt .
        op while_do_od : BoolExp Stmt -> Stmt .
        op [[_]]_ : Stmt Env -> Env .
        vars S S' : Stmt .    var V : Env .
        var E : IntExp .      var B : BoolExp .
        var I : Id .
        eq [[ I := E ]] V = put(I,[[ E ]] V, V) .
        eq [[ S ; S' ]] V = [[ S' ]] [[ S ]] V .
        eq [[ while B do S od ]] V = if [[ B ]] V then
           [[ while B do S od ]] [[ S ]] V else V fi .
      *** evaluation of Fun programs
      obj FUN is sorts Fun Init .
        protecting STMT .
        dfn IdList is LIST[QID] .
        dfn IntList is LIST[INT] .
        dfn InitList is (LIST *(op nil to nil-init, op (__) to (_;_)))[Init] .
        op _initially_ : Id IntExp -> Init [prec 1].
        op fun _ _ is vars _ body: _ : Id IdList InitList Stmt -> Fun .
        op [[_:=_]]_ : IdList IntList Env -> Env .
        op [[_]]_ : InitList Env -> Env .
        op [[_]][_]_ : Fun Env IntList -> Env .
        op [[_]]_ : Fun IntList -> Int .
        op wrong#args : -> Env .   *** err-op
        vars I F : Id .     var Is : IdList .
        var N : Int .       var Ns : IntList .
        var E : IntExp .    var INs : InitList .
        var S : Stmt .      var V : Env .
        eq [[ nil-init ]] V = V .
        eq [[(I initially E); INs ]] V = [[ INs ]] [[ I := E ]] V .
        eq [[ I Is := N Ns ]] V = ([[ I := N ]] ([[ Is := Ns ]] V)).STMT .
        eq [[(nil).IdList := (nil).IntList ]] V = V .
        eq [[ fun F(Is) is vars nil-init body: S ]][ V ](Ns) = [[ S ]] V .
        eq [[ fun F(Is) is vars INs body: S ]][ V ](Ns) =
              [[ S ]] [[ INs ]] [[ Is := Ns ]] V .
        eq [[ fun F(Is) is vars INs body: S ]](Ns) =
              [[ fun F(Is) is vars INs body: S ]][ nilArr ](Ns) [ F ] .
        cq [[ Is := Ns ]] V = wrong#args if | Is | =/= | Ns | .  *** err-qn
      *** pow(n m) finds the nth power of m for positive n or 0
      reduce [[ fun 'pow('n 'm) is vars 'pow initially 1 body:
                while 0 < 'n do ('pow := 'pow * 'm);('n := 'n - 1) od ]](4 2) .
      ***> should be: 16
      *** factorial of n
      reduce [[ fun 'fac('n) is vars ('fac initially 1);('i initially 0) body:
                while 'i < 'n do ('i := 'i + 1); ('fac := 'i * 'fac) od ]](5) .
      ***> should be: 120
      *** max finds the maximum of a list of three numbers
      reduce [[ fun 'max('a 'b 'c) is vars 'n initially 2 body:
                ('max := 'a); while 0 < 'n do
                ('n := 'n - 1); ('x := 'b); ('b := 'c);
                ('max := if 'x < 'max then 'max else 'x fi) od ]](3 123 32) .
      ***> should be: 123

  7. Algebraic program proofs.
    1. As noted in Section 4 of the paper by Guttag, Horowitz, and Musser (paper no. 39), term rewriting provides a form of mechanized proof for propositional calculus.
    2. Hence, proofs about programs, including inductive proofs about n-ary data structures, can be performed using the same term rewriting technique as was used above for program execution.
    3. Here's an example proving a formula involving summation of natural numbers.
      obj NAT is sort Nat .
        op 0 : -> Nat .
        op s_ : Nat -> Nat [prec 1] .
        op _+_ : Nat Nat -> Nat [assoc comm prec 3] .
        vars M N : Nat .
        eq M + 0 = M .
        eq M + s N = s(M + N).
        op _*_ : Nat Nat -> Nat [prec 2] .
        eq M * 0 = 0 .
        eq M * s N = M * N + M .
      obj VARS is protecting NAT .
        ops m n : -> Nat .
      ***> first show two lemmas, 0*n=0 and sm*n=m*n+n
      ***> base for first lemma
      reduce 0 * 0 == 0 .
      ***> induction step for first lemma
      obj HYP1 is using VARS .
        eq 0 * n = 0 .
      reduce 0 * s n == 0 .
      *** thus we can assert
      obj LEMMA1 is protecting NAT .
        vars N : Nat .
        eq 0 * N = 0 .
      ***> base for second lemma
      reduce in VARS + LEMMA1 : s n * 0 == n * 0 + 0 .
      ***> induction step for second lemma
      obj HYP2 is using VARS .
        eq s m * n = m * n + n .
      reduce s m * s n == (m * s n)+ s n .
      *** so we can assert
      obj LEMMA2 is protecting NAT .
        vars M N : Nat .
        eq s M * N = M * N + N .
      obj SUM is protecting NAT .
        op sum : Nat -> Nat .
        var N : Nat .
        eq sum(0) = 0 .
        eq sum(s N) = s N + sum(N) .
      ***> show sum(n)+sum(n)=n*sn
      ***> base case
      reduce in SUM + LEMMA1 : sum(0) + sum(0) == 0 * s 0 .
      ***> induction step
      obj HYP is using SUM + VARS .
        eq sum(n) + sum(n) = n * s n .
      reduce in HYP + LEMMA2 : sum(s n) + sum(s n) == s n * s s n .
    4. Here's an example of structural induction proof for a symbol-table-like mapping ADT, along the lines presented in the GHM paper.
      in list
      th FN is sort S .
        op f : S -> S .
      obj MAP[F :: FN] is protecting LIST[F] .
        op map : List -> List .
        var X : S .
        var L : List .
        eq map(nil) = nil .
        eq map(X L) = f(X) map(L) .
      in map
      obj FNS is protecting INT .
        ops (sq_)(dbl_)(_*3) : Int -> Int .
        var N : Int .
        eq sq N = N * N .
        eq dbl N = N + N .
        eq N *3 = N * 3 .
      reduce in MAP[(sq_).FNS] : map(0 nil 1 -2 3) .  ***> should be: 0 1 4 9
      reduce in MAP[(dbl_).FNS] : map(0 1 -2 3) .     ***> should be: 0 2 -4 6
      reduce in MAP[(_*3).FNS] : map(0 1 -2 nil 3) .  ***> should be: 0 3 -6 9