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CSC 581 Computer Support for Knowledge Management Spring 2003

CSC 581 Computer Support for Knowledge Management List of Knowledge Management Tools

This list is created from a file with listings of KM tools encoded via XML. The formatting may notbe very pretty in some browsers. You can also view the XML file directly via

Name Organization URL Short Description 80-20 Discovery An enhanced search engine for internal databases including natural language query parsing and a Web browser client interface. Assistum Higher Level Systems Ltd. A suite of knowledge management tools which rely on artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic to deepen the user's understanding of commercial and practical issues affecting an important decisions. Autonomy Autonomy Systems Integrates and operates on sources as diverse as email, Word documents, PDFs, voice and video extracts, (unstructured information) XML and metadata, (semi-structured information) and the information held in databases (structured information). Concept Maps Joseph D. Novak. Groove Groove Networks P2P groupware that provides a platform for direct interaction among users in shared spaces. Hypviewer Allows a user to layout and interactively navigate node-link graphs in 3D hyperbolic space. IHMC CmapToolkit Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, University of West Florida Allows its users to construct, navigate, share, and criticize knowledge models of any domain represented or organized as concept maps Inspiration Inspiration Software A visual learning tool that inspires students to develop and organize their ideas. It supports visual thinking techniques, enabling students to easily create and update graphic organizers, concept maps, idea maps and other visual diagrams. Inxight Star Tree Tool Inxight Software Provides a method for quickly navigating a website whose contents lend themselves to a hierarchal layout. The star tree representation allows a large hierarchy to be traversed while maximizing the use of the display space. jake (Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment) Yale University, Simon Fraser University To facilitate access to and integration between contents of many e-resources by appropriately relating metadata about e-resources and their content. KAON AIFB/ Uni Karlsruhe An open-source ontology management infrastructure targeted for business applications. It includes a comprehensive tool suite allowing easy ontology creation and management, as well as building ontology-based applications. An important focus of KAON is on integrating traditional technologies for ontology management and application with those used in business applications, such as relational databases. KMTool Jennie Starr A knowledge management tool for professionals who are responsible for design, implementation and evaluation of knowledge management Lotus Discovery IBM/Lotus Search or browse for information and subject matter experts from multiple locations, collaborate with colleagues instantly, increase knowledge sharing and decrease time spent looking for needed resources MindManager MindJet MindManager provides tools to store, organize, and retrieve knowledge. Mondeca Intelligent Topic Manager Mondeca Publishing Offers a solution for the integrated management of a wide variety of content organization systems (thesaurus, classifications, semantic relations between subjects, process modeling, ordering of publications, etc.), thus ensuring efficient, intuitive and personalized access to all the relevant information. Northern Light a sophisticated search engine distinguished by its ability to present search results not only as a complete group of findings, but also organizes the information into "folders" that allow the user to focus in on one part of the search and eliminate matches that do not meet the searcher's criteria. Northern Light also features an extensive library of additional exclusive materials (the "Special Collection") that are available for a fee. Practicity Web-based knowledge sharing environment QuickView Micromedia Technologies A report storage and retrieval system to allow companies to store large amounts of written information (on the order of millions of pages) on laserdiscs in a way that permits people to make use of them over a network. Verity Verity Integrates comprehensive search tools to discover information, accurate content organization to put information in context, and personalization features to automatically recommend documents, locate experts and create user communities.

Additional Pointers to KM Tools

The following links provide additional information on KM tools.
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