Lab 2, CSC 101

For this lab you will explore perhaps the single most important building block in programming: the function. The first part of the lab introduces basic output through the use of print. The second part of the lab requires you to implement multiple functions on simple data types (e.g., integers, floating points, booleans, and characters). The final part of the lab requires you to implement multiple functions on compound data types (i.e., objects).

Download, place it in your cpe101 directory (created as part of lab 1), and unzip the file. This file includes three subdirectories (corresponding to the different parts of the lab).


For this part of the lab you will experiment a little with print. The print function allows your program to display text in the terminal window. At this point in the course, the greatest value of print is as a tool to assist with tracing execution and debugging.

You will not write test cases for this part of the lab. I know that sounds ludicrous, but there is a reason for the madness. In short, writing test cases (specifically programmatic unit tests) for functions that use print requires more features than we have discussed to this point. Instead of unit tests for functions using print people tend to fall back to system tests, but we will not do that just yet.

The following steps should be done withing the printing directory by editing the provided file. I recommend that you do one step at a time (make the specified change, compile, and run the program) so that you can observe the behavior. Each change should be added (in the order specified) to the print_examples function (starting at the point indicated by the comment in the function).

This part will be executed with: python3

There are a number of more interesting aspects of the print function, but this simple introduction is sufficient for now.


In the funcs directory create a file named This part of the lab requires that you implement and test multiple functions. You should develop these functions and their tests one at a time. The function implementations must be placed in The test cases will, of course, be placed in the provided

You must provide at least two test cases for each of these functions. You should write a separate testing function for each function to be tested (the file includes stubs for the first two testing functions to get you started).

This part will be executed with: python3


Write a function, named square, that takes a single argument and that returns the mathematical square of that argument.

f(x) = 7x2 + 2x

Write a function, named f (a poor name, really, but maps from the context), that corresponds to the stated mathematical definition.

g(x, y) = x2 + y2

Write a function, named g (again, a poor name), that corresponds to the stated mathematical definition.


Write a function, named hypotenuse, that takes two arguments corresponding to the lengths of the sides adjacent to the right angle of a right-triangle and that returns the hypotenuse of the triangle. You will need to use the math.sqrt function from the math library, so be sure to import math at the top of your source file.


Write a function, named is_positive, that takes a single argument and that returns True if the argument is positive and False otherwise. You must write this function using a relational operator and without using any sort of conditional (we have yet to discuss them); the solution without a conditional is actually much simpler than one with.

Functions on Structured Data

This part of the lab is similar to the previous part, but the functions for this part will work (at least in part) on values of structured data (as represented by objects).

This part will be executed with: python3


Define a class to represent a two-dimensional point. In the funcs_objects directory, create a file named As in the previous lab, you will define a class in to represent the structure of Point objects. The class Point type will need two fields (named x and y); as before this means that the __init__ function must take these two arguments (in addition to self) and initialize the fields within self.

Define a class to represent a circle. Add this class to the file. The class Circle type will need two fields to represent the center point (this will be an object of the Point class) and the radius.

Be sure to test your __init__ functions by creating objects and verifying the fields have been properly initialized. You can place the test cases in the provided file.

Note that testing the fields of an object that are themselves objects requires a bit more work than one might initially expect. For instance, when verifying that a Circle has been properly initialized, you should not compare the center to another Point, but should instead compare each field of the center point (i.e., the center.x and center.y components) to the expected values. Comparing objects directly can be done, but doing so is beyond the scope of this lab.

Functions on Point and Circle

In the funcs_objects directory create a file named Place your test cases in the provided file. If you wish to use any of the functions from the previous part, you will find that the simplest approach at this time is to copy your file to this directory. To do so, from within the funcs_objects directory, type cp ../funcs/ . (the . (dot) at the end of that command is important; it signifies the current directory).

You must provide at least two test cases for each of these functions. In order to test these functions, you will first need to create an appropriate number of objects and then call the function that you wish to test. If an object is to be returned, then you will need to assign the result to a variable and test each field independently.


Write a function, named grow_circle, that takes an argument of type Circle and an argument of type float (the scaling factor) and that returns a new Circle with the same center as the argument Circle but with radius scaled by the second argument (i.e., the new circle has radius equal to that of the old circle times the scaling factor).


Write a function, named distance, that takes two arguments of type Point and that returns the Euclidean distance between these two points.


Write a function, named circles_overlap, that takes two arguments of type Circle and that returns True if the circles overlap and false otherwise (consider circles touching at the edge as non-overlapping). You must write this function using a relational operator and without using any sort of conditional.

As a hint, two circles will overlap if the distance between their center points is less than the sum of their radii.


Demonstrate the printing exercises from the first part of the lab and the test cases from the later two parts to your instructor to have this lab recorded as completed. In addition, be prepared to show your instructor the source code for functions in and


This lab will not be submitted. The in-lab demonstration is the only check.