Assignment 2, CSC 101, Winter 2014

due Friday January 24, 11:59pm

For this second assignment you will start to build the basic structure to visualize your world in 2D and populate your world with entities, some of which move. Your initial solutions to creating and placing entities and supporting entity movement will be naive but not unreasonable.

In general, this assignment focuses on:

Learning objectives more generally include:


Using pygame with Python 3 on the department machines requires a step of setup. To simplify this, a script has been provied. Type the following at the command-line (on, e.g., unix11).


Now, the next time that you login you should be able to import the pygame module into Python 3. You can verify this by opening the python3 interpreter and typing import pygame. This should work based on the common setup of user accounts; I say should because this setup has changed over the years. If you have any issues, please let us know.


Create a hw2 directory in which to develop your solution. Download the file.

You will develop your program solution in multiple files. For testing, you will primarily focus on visual testing - which you must document via the generation of specific test images.

You are provided with two files:, which you should read and understand but only mimimally need to modify, and, which you will need to read and understand some parts of (but not modify). To complete the assignment, you must create your own python file that must contain very specific functions.

You will also use your file from assignment 1.

Develop entities in the world and seek resouces

Familiarize yourself with the base code

Read and understand and take a look at Some of the material in is more advanced and should not worry you beyond understanding in general what the occupancy grid represents and how to get and set values in the grid using the provided functions set_cell and get_cell explained in greater detail below. Do try to be sure you have a sense of what each function in does (look for def).

In brief, the occupancy grid allows us represent 2D space with discrete cells that store a number to represent what is at that point in our 2D space. In other words, it is a matrix of numbers representing positions of entities or empty space in our world. For example the following figure shows a 4 by 4 occupancy grid with all open space except for one gatherer (represented by the number '1') in the second row and third column :

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Please read the complete occupancy grid notes below, after you understand the other general tasks you will be solving with this assignment.

Create a solutions file

This file will need to include the following functions ( demonstrates some invocations of these functions):

- createEntities which takes in the grid as an argument.
This code should do as the name implies and create one of each entity, a gather, a generator and a resource, which are all returned from this function (as a tuple). See below for specific testing at this stage.

- placeEntities which takes in the grid and one of each of the entities (i.e., the parameters are the grid, a gatherer, a generator, and a resource)
This function should set the appropriate values for each entity in the grid, using the helper functions below.

- determineNewGathererPosition, which takes in the gatherer and target resource
This function should take in the current position of the gatherer and the desired position (represented by the desired resource) and then move the gatherer 'one step' closer to the resource.

- isValidPosition, which takes in the grid and a potential position
This function checks if the position is valid with respect to the grid constraints.

- updateEntities which takes in the grid and one each of the entities
This function should determine the new position of the gatherer, confirm the new position is allowable by the grid (using prior functions), and then update the position and grid accordingly.

In general, you should develop the above functions to create your entities and have the gatherer move towards the resource. Decompose that problem into the above sub-problems.

You might find it easiest to develop and test these functions one at a time. You can test/try them in the interpreter (independent of the code) or write unit tests (you will not submit the unit tests for this assignment).

Note that, although gathers will move naively, each team must carefully design and document their choice for how their gatherers move toward a resource. Some examples include moving in one direction first (i.e. my sub will move all the way in X before it adjusts its position in Y - alternatives include, for example, a mail carrier that alternately moves down/up then left/right, another type of gatherer might move in a circularly expanding path, etc. You will be able to modify your movement at a later date, but take the time now to code something reasonable for your world.

You must check to make sure your gatherer does not move off your 2D grid world.

For visual testing:

You are required to hand in your confirmation of testing setting the initial position.

After you have tested setting the start position, modify your code to initialize the gatherers start position to be random (but reasonable - reasonable means, on the grid somewhere that makes sense in your world).

Now do the same thing for a generator (consider carefully what a reasonable position means).

Now create one resource is a resonable position, relative to your generator. (Position must be relative).

Occupancy Grid Notes

Note that for now we will be using a very simple 2D occupancy grid to represent which entities are where in our world. We will be discussing the grid in lecture, but, in general, the base code creates a data structure that will hold a number for each grid of our current 2D 'toy' world (we will make our worlds larger later). This grid allows you to access each grixel (grid element) by indexing with an X and a Y position in the range of (0, 59) (note, however, our pixel values range from 0-599 and you will need to get used to converting from pixel to grixel at some point). For now, we will represent unoccupied regions of your world with a 0 (occ_grid.EMPTY) and then each of your three other entities (gatherer, generator, and resource) likewise will have their own numeric representation (gatherer = 1 (occ_grid.GATHERER), generator = 2 (occ_grid.GENERATOR), resource = 3 (occ_grid.RESOURCE)).

In the code provided - you are provided with functions to access the grid:

For example get_cell(grid, entities.Point(5, 6)) returns the value 2, this means there is a generator in that grid element. As you write code to create each of your entities, you must likewise update the grid data structure to store the correct numeric value to represent which entity is in that grid element. Likewise, as soon as the gatherer starts moving, you need to update the occupancy map, however for this assignment, please leave the "trail" of occupied cells that your generator has passed through as 'occupied' by the gatherer to assist in visual debugging. For example, while running, at various times, your screen might look like the following three examples (if your gatherer moves like my sub does).


You must submit your solution on (or on unix2, unix3, or unix4) by 11:59pm on the due date.

Note that you can resubmit your files as often as you'd like prior to the deadline. Each subsequent submission will replace files of the same name.


The grading breakdown for this assignment is as follows.