Software Test Plan

The test plan is based on the outline provided by ANSI/IEEE Std. 829-1991 but has been streamlined for CPE 206..

2. Introduction

Lucky Strike Software is committed to an effective and thorough testing effort for our Sokoban game release.  Each release will use a more thorough and involved testing procedure.  It is our hope to release a product which is not only believed to be high in quality, but proven.

6. Approach

For our Stage 2 delivery, Lucky Strike Software will be creating and automating a full suite of regression system testing for all features promised in Stages 1 and 2 using the GUIRobot tool.  Unit testing will be conducted by individual developers as they see fit.  Daily Smoke Testing will provide a strong tool to monitor the stability of all newly developed modules while assuring the quality of each day's build.

During the development of our Stage 3 delivery, automated system tests for the new features will be added to the existing test suite while continually updating and improving the Smoke Testing Procedure.  In addition, unit testing will be conducted by each developer using the JUnit test tool to verify the execution of every line of code while testing boundary values to ensure correctness.

6.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is testing of the source code for an individual unit (class or method) by the developer who wrote it. A unit is to be tested after initial development, and again after any change or modification. The developer is responsible for testing that his new code does not break his or her private build before committing the new source code to change control.

The concept of unit testing is that a unit is tested in isolation, independently of the rest of the system, and as such requires the creation of a test driver. All test driver code must be turned over to the test team when the unit is submitted to the project build. The test team will store all the units tests in a test library for creation of a regression test suite (see section 6.5).

During Stage 2, the test driver may be built from scratch, but during Stage 3, all unit tests will be created with the JUnit unit testing tool.

During Stage 2, unit testing will be carried out informally.

During Stage 3, unit testing will be conducted more formally, as described next.

Unit Testing for Methods

The following test types are explained in Braude Chapter 8. Items 1 - 6 are required in Stage 3, the remainder are recommended for all stages.
  1. Verify operation at representative parameter values

  2. (black box - test derived via Equivalence Partitioning)
  3. Verify operation at limit parameter values

  4. (black box - Boundary Value Analysis)
  5. Verify operation outside parameter values

  6. (black box - Boundary Value Analysis)
  7. Verify preconditions and postconditions via assertion testing
  8. Ensure that all instructions execute

  9. (white box - statement coverage)
  10. Check all paths, including both sides of all branches (including loops)

  11. (white box - decision coverage)
  12. Source Code Tracing

  13. Step through every line of code with an interactive debugger and verify all values.
  14. Check the use of all called objects
  15. Verify the handling of all data structures
  16. Verify the handling of all files
  17. Verify control flow invariants via assertion testing
  18. Check normal termination of all loops

  19. (part of a correctness proof)
  20. Check abnormal termination of all loops
  21. Check normal termination of all recursions
  22. Check abnormal termination of all recursions
  23. Verify the handling of all error conditions
  24. Check timing and synchronization
  25. Verify all hardware dependencies

Unit Testing for Classes

Item 1 is required in Stage 3, the remainder are recommended for all stages.
  1. Exercise methods in combination
  2. Focus unit tests on each attribute
  3. Verify that each class invariant is unchanged
  4. Verify that objects transition among expected states

6.2 Daily Smoke Tests

With every build a smoke test will be run after the build successfully compiles. The smoke test is designed to ensure that the newly developed code has not damaged the system and that the system, with the newly integrated code, is stable enough to be subjected to further integration and system testing.

A daily smoke test report will be filled out and posted on the project team web site for each build. The requirements for the daily smoke test will change throughout the project with newly implemented features and requirements, so the actual features tested will be described in the report.. Any defects or missing functionality will be logged as a defect and the defect tracking number entered in the daily smoke test report. After the smoke test is complete and the results posted on the web, the integration team may notify the test team that the build is available for further testing.

Smoke tests may be manual or automated as determined by the test team.

It is recommended that there be some convention or mechanism to "freeze" the source code repository during daily build and smoke test so that new code doesn't get committed in the middle of a build. (See Braude fig 9.21).

6.3 Integration Testing

Integration testing is exercising newly developed code that has been committed to the build in combination with other code that has already been integrated. Integration tests are performed while builds are in progress. Braude discusses integration testing at length in Chapter 9. For our project, integration tests will emphasize what Braude calls "interface testing."

It is highly recommended to automate integration test cases via the JUnit test framework.

6.4 System Testing

System testing is testing the functionality of the system as a whole in order to verify the requirements in the SRS.

Follow these guidelines for writing system test cases.

We will automate all our functional system tests using the java.awt.Robot tool. Follow these directions for writing system test scripts.

Non-functional requirements may be verified using manual test methods.

6.5 Regression Testing

At least once a week, a regression test will be run (see Braude Chapter 9) to verify that recent additions to the system have not caused it to regress to a less functional state than in a previous build. Regression testing is not a different type of testing, it doesn't require writing any new test cases. Instead, it refers more to a schedule for running a suite of tests that have already passed. The tests that comprise the regression test suite come from a "test library" of stored tests (including unit, integration, and system tests).

From a practical perspective, regression testing must be automated as there are hundreds of tests to be run. Dr. Dalbey has a handout "Automating Regression Tests" which has many useful tips.

6.6 Validation/Acceptance Testing

Validation testing is ensuring that the system responds and behaves in a reasonable manner when placed under normal or expected operating conditions such as those that would be used by an average user. Validation testing for our project will be in the form of an acceptance test implemented by the customer. The customer may formalize this testing on his own, or it may be nothing more than an informal smoke test in which he steps through what he feels is a normal use case. The customer will report on the results of his acceptance test with each release. The acceptance of our build by the customer in this manner is his stamp of approval that all contracted functionality for a specific release is present and behaving properly.

9. Test deliverables

The test deliverables are : Each of these items has a link on the team home page template.

11. Environmental needs

The hardware necessary to conduct proper testing are as follows:

11.1 Test tools

To run our full testing suite, the testing parties must have copies of the JUnit and GUIRobot source code.  JUnit and GUIRobot can be obtained from the 206 web site under Professor Dalbey's resources link.

12. Responsibilities

No separate list of responsibilities is included here. The test responsibilities should be included in the Project Plan under Job Descriptions or Responsibilities.

14. Schedule

No separate test schedule is included here. All test milestones should be included in the project detailed schedule.

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