Name/Email – Sean Pinto /
Work Product/Admin – Top Ten Risks List / Antony George
Proposed Change -  At the end of stage two the top ten risks list did not really focus on the challenges and risks the team really faces.  We should make it more accurate and update it more frequently
Rationale - At the end of stage two the top ten risks list did not really focus on the challenges and risks the team really faces.  We should make it more accurate and update it more frequently.  Last time we did not have enough customer interaction and we paid the price.
Impacts – The group is aware of the risks that it truly faces and so can take action before it is too late

Action Taken: Top Ten Risks List will be updated once a week during lab and all team members will give input.


Name/Email – Kevin Blomseth /
Work Product/Admin – SRS / Antony George

Proposed Change – Add sound into the SRS
Rationale – It was an original requirement
Impacts – Developers will be aware of the sound requirement

Action Taken:  SRS has been updated to include sound in certain use cases.


Name/Email – Kamil Baranowski /

Work Product/Admin  Staged Delivery Plan / Antony George

Proposed Change – Decrease number of things to be implemented
Rationale – There is not enough time to implement, integrate, and test everything
Impacts – Will have more time to make sure the quality of the work products created is high

Action Taken:  Cannot change staged delivery plan; all items planned must be delivered

**** Instructor allowed us to decrease number of things being implemented in order to spend more time on testing aspects of already implemented items.  Staged Delivery Plan will be changed to mark functionality that will not be implemented


Name/Email – Sean Pinto /

Work Product/Admin  QA Plan / Kamil Baranowski

Proposed Change – Change it to represent stage three
Rationale – There is not enough time to implement, integrate, and test everything
Impacts – Will have more time to make sure the quality of the work products created is high

Action Taken:  Cannot change staged delivery plan; all items planned must be delivered

**** Instructor allowed us to decrease number of things being implemented in order to spend more time on testing aspects of already implemented items.  Staged Delivery Plan will be changed to mark functionality that will not be implemented


Name/Email – Sean Pinto /

Work Product/Admin  Source Code, Integration Plan / Kevin Blomseth

Proposed Change – Add a SGUI class to consolidate all graphical user elements

Rationale – Instructor told us to

Impacts – improves design and places like things together

Action Taken:  SGUI class added to design and implemented