Daily Build Procedure



Get a copy of the current source from the CVS repository:


1.      Open a console or dos prompt and login to latte.calpoly.edu
telnet latte.calpoly.edu
Enter your login name and password.

2.      Change to the directory your working directory.
(example): cd 206

3.      Get the current source version from the cvs repository.
cvs co sokoban

4.      Get the log of the current version and save it in a file
cvs log sokoban > cvsoutput.txt


Build the Source code:


1.      Change to the sokoban directory containing the sources files received from the repository.
cd sokoban

2.      Change the mode of the build.sh file so that it can be executed
chmod 744 build.sh

3.      Compile the build, create javadocs and log the ouput

4.      change to the directory of the output files of build.sh
cd ..

5.      Review the build output for errors.

6.      Note any compile errors.

7.      Inform the module programmers of the compiler errors.

8.      Write the build report.
See How to Write a Build Report


Smoke Test of the current Build:


1.      FTP to latte.calpoly.edu and login.

2.      Download the “Sokoban.jar” file from your sokoban directory on latte.calpoly.edu.

3.      Save “Sokoban.jar” to any directory on a machine with the Java 2 Run-time Environment installed.

4.      Open a command prompt and change to the directory where the files were saved.

5.      Extract the graphics and levels directories from the Sokoban.jar
jar –xf Sokoban.jar graphics levels

6.      Run the Sokoban build and check the functionality of the available features specified by the Integration plan.
java –jar Sokoban.jar


Update the webpage:


1.      Download the “javadocs” directory from your sokoban directory on latte.calpoly.edu

2.      Zip the “javadocs” using your favorite compression program.

3.      Attatch the “javadocs.zip” file with an email to luckystrikesoftware@hotmail.com

4.      Create web page for current day’s build report with the name buildreportMMDDYY.html (ex. 010102 for 1/2/2002).

5.      Add a link from the buildreports/index.html to the day’s build report.



Note:  The Build Procedure is to be run every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.