CVS Source Code Control Procedures

CVS Commands:
add add a new file/directory to the repository
admin Administration front end for rcs
annotate show last revision where each line was modified
checkout checkout sources for editing
commit check files into the repositorty
diff show difference between revisions
edit get ready to edit a watched file
editors see who is editing a watched file
export export sources from CVS, similar to checkout
history show repository access history
import import sources into CVS, using vendor branches
init create a CVS repository it it doesn't exist
log print out history information for files
login prompt for password for authenticating server
logout removes entry in .cvspass for remote repository
pserver password server mode
rdiff create 'patch' format diffs between releases
release indicate that a Module is no longer in use
remove remove an Entry from the repository
rtag add a symbolictag to a module
server server mode
status display status information on checked out files
tag add a symbolic tag to checked out version of a files
unedit undo an edit command
update bring work tree into sync with repository
watch see watches
watchers see who is watching a file

Initial Setup Of Your Latte Account And Source Download

  1. Telnet to
  2. Login
  3. Edit your configuration file

  4. Type:      pico .cshrc
  5. Add the following 2 lines of code to the bottom of the file, right below the other SETENV line:

  6. setenv CVSROOT ~kbaranow/cvsroot
    setenv RCSBIN /usr/local/bin
  7. Save the file: (press CTRL-X)
  8. Create a directory to hold source files

  9. Type:      mkdir 206Project
  10. Make the source code directory the current directory

  11. Type:      cd 206Project
  12. Type: setenv CVSROOT ~kbaranow/cvsroot
    Type: setenv RCSBIN /usr/local/bin
  13. Check out the source code and download the files to your account,

  14. Type:      cvs checkout -r sokoban sokoban (STAGE 3 IMPLEMENTATION);  
    Type:      cvs checkout -r sokoban-1 sokoban (STAGE 2 IMPLEMENTATION FIXES);  

    (The first sokoban is the branch name. The second sokoban is the folder name)

To Update Source Code

  1. Login to your Latte account.
  2. Navigate to your 206Project directory
  3. Update your files with the latest files from the repository

  4. Type:      cvs update
  5. Perform unit development work.

  7. Before committing your changes, check once more to make sure you have the latest files

  8. Type:      cvs update
    If someone else has updated the files, you will have to "merge" your changes with theirs.
  9. Commit changes and upload them to the repository

  10. Type:      cvs commit -r sokoban sokoban (STAGE 3 IMPLEMENTATION)
    Type:      cvs commit -r sokoban-1 sokoban (STAGE 2 IMPLEMENTATION FIXES)
  11. Your source code changes will now be merged in with the rest of the project's code.

Date Author Change
1/23 K. Baranowski Simplifying process
1/15 K. Baranowski Initial Posting