System Test Cases

System Requirements:
(For testing purposes only)



  1. Download the source jar for the current build.
  2. Unjar the jar file
  3. Create a new folder named "ETA".
  4. Place the 2 folders that the source jar unpacked inside "ETA".
  5. Inside "ETA", create 3 folders named "actual", "oracle", and "results".
  6. Download the following zip files:
  7. Unzip each of those files.
  8. Place the unzipped contents of needed.ZIP into "ETA".
  9. Place the unzipped contents of scripts.ZIP into "ETA".
  10. Place the unzipped contents of oracle.ZIP into "oracle".
  11. Place the unzipped contents of bats.ZIP into "src" - which is located at
  12. Edit "compile.bat" inside "src" and remove the 'target 1.2' tag.
  13. Launch "compile.bat".
  14. Launch "linkbyte.bat".
  15. Launch "stage3.bat" that is located inside of "src".

  16. Hints on why a test might fail:

    1. You may have performed extra actions while the ETA program was idle for those last 25 seconds. Those actions are still recorded (and not part of the oracle).
    2. On slow systems, some actions might perform too fast - causing buttons to be clicked before they redraw.
    3. Newer code may make changes to the default screen size of the application and its dialogs. Some script commands rely on absolute pixel coorindates. You will have to edit those coordinates or convert those mouse clicks to keyboard commands.
    4. The oracle files may be wrong. The current (3/13/01) oracle files were created using the stage 3 release. You may have to recreate the oracle files for later builds.


Results of previous regression tests



Stage 3 Features


Stage 2 Features
(Not scripted)




Date Author Change
3/13 Jonathon Finalized install procedure
3/12 Jonathon

Renamed 'cases' to 'features' to reflect test matrix terminology

3/12 Jonathon

Added detailed directions

Note: not all files exist yet

3/10 Jonathon Added links to all the scripts and .bat files
3/05 Jonathon Initial Version