Test Plan

These are the test plans for the Traffic Jam Puzzle computer solitaire game.

1.2 displayBoard

Purpose: Verify that the board is displayed properly.
Procedure: Start the game, and make the moves shown in the User Interface Prototype.  Observe the board display after each move.
Validation criteria: The display shows the board exactly as shown in the Prototype.

1.1 makeMove

Purpose: Verify that the game allows the player to make moves.
Procedure: Start the game, and at the prompt, enter the digit 5 and press Enter.  Observe the board display which results.
Validation criteria: The empty stone has been replaced by the marker, and the stone at position 5 is empty.

1.3 resetBoard

Purpose: Verify that the board is reset correctly.
Procedure: Start the game, make two moves, then invoke the Reset function.  Observe the reset board display.
Validation criteria: The display shows the board in its starting configuration: Five left-most markers facing right, and five right-most markers facing left, with an empty stone in the middle.

1.1.2 isLegal

Purpose: Verify that the game correctly identifies invalid moves.
Validation criteria: for each procedure below, the application should ignore the move (the board is unchanged).

1.1.2a Procedure: Make a move that is too high (greater than 11). 
                        Make a move that is too low (less than 1).

1.1.2b Procedure: Move the "empty" stone.

1.1.2c Procedure: Move a stone facing right where the stone to it's right has a Right marker.
                        Move a stone facing right where the stone to it's right has a Left marker and the "leapfrog" stone is occupied.

1.1.2d Procedure: Move a stone facing left where the stone to it's left has a Left marker.
                        Move a stone facing left where the stone to it's left has a Left marker and the "leapfrog" stone is occupied.

1.5 updateBoard

Purpose: Verify that the board is properly updated after a valid move.
Procedure: Make a valid move, observe the updated board display.
Validation criteria: The empty stone has been replaced by the marker, and the stone from which the marker was taken becomes empty.

1.4 isSolved

Purpose: Verify that a win is properly detected.
Procedure: Set the board to a configuration that is one move away from winning.  Start the game, and make the winning move.
Validation criteria: The win message is displayed.

Note: Tests for non-functional requirements are still under construction.

Testability Considerations

Controllability:  It would be helpful for testing if could start the game with the board in various configurations.  Consider implementing the application with a command line parameter that allows the starting board configuration to be loaded from an external file.