Traffic Jam

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Scope

Traffic Jam is a computer solitaire game that lets the player try to solve the traffic jam puzzle. The game doesn't assist in solving the puzzle, it just monitors the game. The application is a stand-alone personal computer application with a simple console-style text user interface.

1.2 Product Features

The application will provide the following features:
  • Display the board (the Traffic Jam puzzle).
  • Accept a player's move.
  • Update the board.
  • Inform the player if they win.
  • Ignore illegal moves.
  • Allow the player to start over.

1.3 User characteristics

The Traffic Jam user is a personal computer user who enjoys simple brain teaser style puzzles. 
The user is assumed to be competent using a keyboard to operate simple applications by entering numbers or letters, and using the backspace and Enter keys.  
The user is assumed to be familiar with the rules of Traffic Jam.
It is assumed the user knows how to start Java applications from the command prompt and provide command line parameters.

1.4 Constraints

Traffic Jam must run as a console-style application.

1.5 Assumptions and dependencies

It is assumed the user will have a Java Runtime Environment (1.2 or later) installed in order to run the application.