Design Issue - Which Language? 
CSC 308

There are a few cases where language choice was a factor in getting a project out the door, but they are unusual.  A system can be hacked together in almost any language.  Where language choice does make a difference is in maintenance, portability,  and reuse issues.

Unlike most design issues that are technical tradeoffs, the language choice issue is often influenced by tradition, politics and power.  As software engineers, our primary considerations are cost, schedule, and quality.  We would like to make an objective determination based on reason and empirical evidence.

Language Categories

A common grouping for 3rd generation programming languages is: There are 4th generation languages available on every platform. Their fundamental characteristic is specialization; they are designed for special purposes. A few examples:

Selection Criteria

Imperative Language Characteristics

Functional Language Characteristics

Object Oriented Language Characteristics

Logic Languages