CPE 309 Software Quality Assurance Plan

[Test Plan]  [Standards]  [Metrics]  [Defects]  [Tools]  [Integration]  [Release]

The table of contents of this SQAP follow that of IEEE standard 730-1989.

1. Purpose

This document describes the plan by which the CPE 309  project will produce a quality product.

2. Referenced documents

Project Plan

3. Management

3.1 Organization

The team will designate an individual "quality assurance leader," named in section 3.3.  The course may also have a QA "guru"  who coordinates QA activities between teams. 

3.2 Tasks

QA tasks during CPE 309 shall include These tasks are detailed in this document.

3.3 Responsibilities

Each team member is responsible for the quality of his or her work.  Each person should be sure their work conforms to the QA criteria provided on the course web page.

It is the quality assurance leader's responsibility to see to it that the tasks in 3.2 are done, and to ensure that the prescriptions in this document are followed, including scheduling the inspections specified and the collection of metrics data. The QA leader is ultimately responsible for the quality of the deliverables.

The Quality Assurance leader for team    (insert name here)    _ is    (insert name here) .

4. Documentation

All the documentation required for this project is described in the project plan (SPMP).

The GNOME style guide is a very good reference for writing tips for user documentation.  You might require your analyst to read this document. Of particular use to QA people is the section on quality reviews.

5. Standards, practices, conventions and metrics

5.1 Purpose

This section describes the standards, practices, conventions and metrics to be used for the CPE 309 project. These are intended not only to ensure quality for CPE 309 project, but also to obtain quantitative metric data on the SQA process itself. This data is to be used to help establish the key practices of a CMM level four organization.

5.2 Standards

  1. The IEEE standards, with appropriate modifications, are to be used for documentation.  In most cases teams should follow the templates Dr. Dalbey has prepared for major documents. 

  2. Quality criteria and checklist are to be used for specification and design documents.

  3. UML notation is recommended for Analysis and Design documents.
  4. Detailed Designs must follow the class pseudocode standard.
  5. Java source code must adhere to the class coding standard.
  6. E-mail message "subject lines" must follow the guidelines in the project plan.
  7. Directory names in the team account must begin with a capital letter. 

5.3 Practices

  1. The document which describes the quality attributes the finished software must exhibit is the non-functional requirements section of the SRS.  The QA manager should work with the Analyst to ensure this document is well written and meets the customer's needs.  Also assist the Test Manager in writing tests for these requirements.
  2. From a technical perspective, the success of the software depends on the detailed designs (pseudocode).  It's worth putting extra effort into making these correct and very detailed.  Internal review is required.
  3. Because delaying quality is expensive, engineers are strongly encouraged to apply quality precepts while they work, rather than as an afterthought.  "If you don't have time to do it right in the first place, when are you going to find time to fix it after it breaks?"
  4. QA is an important function in CPE 309 as part of the student course grade depends on the quality of the project deliverables.  A cooperative, team-oriented attitude is crucial.
  5. Even though the QA person is ultimately responsible for quality, the QA person is NOT expected to edit and rework every artifact that s/he receives.  Each individual must produce quality work.  The QA job is to assure that the product has achieved the required level of quality before it is delivered.

5.4 Conventions

  1. HTML (or Wiki) is the preferred format for documents that are to be shared in computer readable form.
  2. Guidelines for all written work are given in the syllabus.
  3. Source code printouts must follow the guidelines given in the syllabus.
  4. The web pages on the team web site must be viewable in Internet Explorer and Firefox.

5.5 Metrics

5.5.1 Individual Metrics
Individuals will track the number of defects found by the inspectors of their code during formal software inspections.

(Recommended) Programmers will plan and track their own unit development work using the Personal Software Process (PSP). Consult the PSP script for details on gathering size, cost, and quality data. During Stage 1, only size and cost measures will be required.  During Stage 2, quality measures will also be required.

5.5.2 Team Metrics
The QA person is responsible for compiling and reporting the following metrics, but each person is responsible for gathering their own data.

5.6 Goals and Reporting

[Note to the student: The quality targets used here are based on historical data obtained from previous student teams on similar projects.  Based on previous team data, these targets are aggressive but not unrealistic.]

CPE 309 quality goals for delivered products are as follows.

The actual metric data gathered from this project (all the metrics in 5.5.2) are to be reported in the final project submission. at each release.

6. Demos and Reviews

6.1 Purpose

The purpose of demos and reviews is to provide a means of focusing the attention of engineers on quality of the application as it develops.

6.2 Minimum requirements

6.2.1 Internal Reviews
All new detailed designs in Stage 1 and 2 will undergo internal review.
6.2.2 Software Inspections
All new source code modules for Stage 1 will undergo internal review.  All new source code modules for Stage 2 require a formal code inspection.  

6.2.3 Post mortem review
The team will conduct a post-mortem review at the end of CPE 309 to gather the insights and lessons learned during the course.

7. Test Plan

A software project test plan describes the objectives, scope, approach, activities, and procedures your team will use for software verification. It explains who is responsible for each kind of testing, how it is to be carried out, and how it will be documented and tracked.

Here is the Test Plan to be followed for CPE 309, based on the IEEE standard.

8. Defect reporting, correction, and tracking

Read McConnell page 129-130.

Defects in the software found during integration and system test (NOT unit test) are tracked using an automated web-based tool, Trac.
According to the Integration Procedure (10.1) only unit tested code can be submitted to the repository. So usually any tests that are run against the repository codebase are integration or system tests.  Any defect found in such a test must be reported in Trac as a defect ticket.

Defects are corrected using this Defect Repair ProcedureMake sure all developers follow this procedure to the letter!

9. Tools, techniques and methodologies

SQA techniques include the application of standards, requirements tracing, FTR's and software verification (testing).
The SQA tools consist of form templates and checklists.
  1. Form Templates are provided on the course web site.
  2. QA Criteria Checklists for each major deliverable are provided in the deliverables list.

9.1 LOC Counting Procedure

As a measure of product size we will use logical lines of code. Do not include unit test code as part of the product size measure, only code in the product itself.  Our procedure requires following the class coding standard and a tool to count lines of code.  We do not include comment lines in our line count.  Here are two suggested tools for you to consider:

9.2 Requirements Traceability

See McConnell page 151. Each requirement in the specification is traced to each module(s) in design and code that implements it.  Table format works fine for this.

9.3 Unit Development Procedure (Recommended)

This procedure describes every step that a developer undertakes in producing a single module (unit).  The Unit Development Procedure (aka "PSP script") for CPE 309 is a more elaborate version of Table 14-1 pg 203. (Note that McConnell calls this an "integration" procedure, but we will call it a Unit Development Procedure).

This script has been painstakingly prepared for you.  Read the directions completely, carefully, and be sure you understand every word.  There is also a FAQ.  If there is anything in these directions about which you have the slightest question, ask for clarification! Completing the PSP forms is recommended, but not required.  You are expected to complete the PSP forms accurately and precisely.

Be sure you understand this procedure and follow it religiously. If the procedure doesn't work for you, seek the instructor's permission to modify it. Note this procedure only applies to new code, not to maintenance tasks.

9.3.1 PSP Submission Procedure

The PSP forms for a unit you develop are to be submitted to the QA manager during the first class session after the unit has been submitted to the build.  The QA manager gathers all the PSP forms and may publicize which have been completed (but do not publicize individual data).  The QA manager submits all the PSP forms to the instructor with the Release.  (Completing these forms is an individual choice as described in the previous section).

9.4 Internal Review

Internal reviews are the best way for a team to ensure quality. The QA person must write the procedure for internal review and place it here.  At a minimum it requires review of the work product by one other team member and documentation using a form such as this review form.  The QA leader may create a scoring mechanism, checklists, or other artifacts that seem helpful for the team.  The reviews may be staff from a different team.  The QA leader may choose to do all the reviews himself (or herself).  Be sure to work with the team manager to allocate time for review meetings.

9.5 Software Code Inspections

All new modules for Stage 2 require a code inspection.

Read these guidelines to Software Inspections for Software Engineering Student Teams.

Here is the required CPE 309 Software Inspection Process.

9.5.1 Software Inspection Report

A summary report of results from the software inspections is to be posted on the team web page under the link "Software Inspection Report"

9.6 Design By Contract (Recommended)

Design by Contract is a module specification technique that intends to improve design reliability and reduce development costs.  After completing the homework activities and participating in the class discussion about DBC, each team must decide which specification style they choose to adopt: Design by Contract or Error Checking.  For the second stage of development, all modules must be specified in the style the team has chosen.  It is the QA manager's job to enforce conformance to this style.

On    (decision date  our team decided to adopt the following module specification style (check one):
___ Design by Contract
___ Error Checking

10. Integration Plan

This section is now a separate document, the Integration Plan.  

11. Software Release

 Release Criteria

These criteria dictate when the software can be released.  Pay attention to these; the software can't be released until these criteria are met (regardless of the planned schedule). Discussed in Chapter 16.  Here are the CPE 309 release criteria. (negotiable until end of week 3).

Release Checklist

This is a list of all tasks that must be completed before the product can be delivered to the customer.  Discussed in Pfleeger Chapter 10 and McConnell Chapter 16.  See McConnell's template.  It is the responsibility of the QA mgr to create the release checklist and to supervise related tasks.

13. Records collection, maintenance & retention

The SQA records collected and archived shall include ...

14. Training

The only SQA training planned is class lectures. If additional training seems necessary, describe it here.

Change History

Moved section 10 to Integration Plan. Moved deployment section to Integration Plan.
Revised integration procedure for Winter 2009.
Changed metrics report (Sec 5.6) delivery from final report to each release.
Added testing code to LOC metrics required.
Added Total Defect Repair Time to metrics required.
Added directions for setting up Elementool to section 8.
Minor editing and additions for Spring 2004
Added section 9.5 on DBC
1/12/04 JD
Revised for Winter 2004.  PSP forms made recommended, not required.  Revised quality goals.  Added more explanation to metrics.
4/8/03 JD
Changed "teamatic" to "elementool"
