Test Case 17

Requirement Traceability: Purpose:
  1. Verify that the TaskList window appears on application start.
  2. Verify that the user can configure the TaskList window via the Settings dialog:

Delete settings.cfg file, if it exists.
Follow the steps below:

Test Data:

Expected Output
Start Employee Scheduler. The Tasklist window appears with the Done button disabled.
Click the window close icon (upper right corner) of TaskList. The window remains open.
Select File | Settings | TaskList The checkbox "Make Tasklist available all the time" is checked.
Uncheck the checkbox The checkbox "Make Tasklist available all the time" is not checked.
The Done button is enabled.
Press Alt-D  settingsReport.txt file is created.
Click OK in the Settings dialog  Settings dialog closes.
Click the Done button in the Tasklist window. The window closes.
Select File | Exit (or Ctrl - X) Application terminates normally.
Examine settingsReport.txt  Show TaskList = false
Start Employee Scheduler. The Tasklist window appears with the Done button enabled.
Click the window close icon (upper right corner) of TaskList. The window closes.
Select File | Settings | TaskList The checkbox "Make Tasklist available all the time" is not checked.
Check the checkbox The Tasklist window appears with the Done button disabled.
In the Settings dialog, Press Alt-D  settingsReport.txt file is created.
Click OK in the Settings dialog  Settings dialog closes.
Select File | Exit (or Ctrl - X) Application terminates normally.
Examine settingsReport.txt  Show TaskList = true