Deliverable: Unit Test Results

new for Spring 2004

There is no separate document to submit for the "deliverable" because it is assumed that your developers have been placing their unit tests into the team's source code repository during the course of development.  Each developer must identify ownership of their test cases by including an "@author" tag in the class header comment.

When your software is released the instructor will attempt to checkout your team's repository by following the directions posted on your team home page (either Source Code Control Procedure or Developer HOWTO).  There should be a directory named UnitTests.  In this directory there should be a script (Unix) or batch file (Windows) named "RunAllUnitTests" that will execute all the JUnit test cases.

Unit tests for any Graphical User Interface may have separate procedures that must be described in the Developer HOWTO.

Alternatively, the instructor may ask the Test Manager to demonstrate the above steps during Acceptance Testing. 

This section is obsolete.

Create a zip file that contains all your project source code and unit test source code.  Place the zip file on your team web page on the "Unit Tests" link. 

When unzipped, the zip file should create the appropriate directory structure containing the source code and unit test cases.

In the directory where the project files are unzipped, the instructor will expect to find a batch file named "makeProject" that will compile all the source files and place the .class files in the appropriate directory.  Don't include any source files that won't compile.   If any developer's code doesn't compile, it should be submitted separately as a hardcopy.

In a subdirectory named UnitTests the instructor will expect to find a batch file named "RunAllTests" that will execute all the JUnit test cases.  The test cases must perform branch coverage testing on the individual classes.

The "RunAllTests" batch file that runs your JUnit tests must use "textui.TestRunner" (not swinggui)and use the "redirection" operator  to send the output to a text file.  For example:

java -classpath .;..\Conquest.jar;junit.jar junit.textui.TestRunner Model.TestAllModel > TestResults.txt
It's important that the "dot" be first in the classpath. (Can you explain why?)

The TestResults.txt file must be posted on your web site on the "Unit Test Results" link.

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