Training Assessment #6a

Revising System Tests


In this exercise you will rewrite a System Test created by another student.


Complete the readings on Writing System Tests.


The demonstration project by FishBowlGames is a Hangman game. Stage 1 featured a text-based user interface, and in Stage 2 the team wants to add a Graphical User Interface to their application.

Examine Test Case 3 for Stage 1. 

The "Purpose" section of the document has 7 items, which is too many.  Items 1 - 4 would be more than enough to include in a single system test. 

Examine the "Procedure" section which gives the steps needed to run the test.

Now examine the same test case from Stage 2 which is supposed to test the Graphical user interface. However, the only difference is that the author added a static screen shot of the intended GUI for stage 2.  Importantly, the procedures for the Stage 2 test weren't updated to describe how to run the test with a GUI.  This needs to be rewritten.

The "Procedure" section also has several other shortcomings or inadequacies which are left for you to identify.

Your assignment is to rewrite the "Procedure" and "Test Data" sections to describe the actions the user must take to test the GUI for items 1 - 4 in the "Purpose" section.  You do not need to include screen shots, you should describe the user inputs and expected output in narrative form. 

You may want to refer to the Hangman UI prototype which depicts the required behavior.
It will also be helpful to refer to the "Testability" non-functional requirement in the SRS.
You may also want to download the finished product from the Download Page.


A printout of the sections you revised.

Extra Credit

Write a Costello script that implements the test case you wrote above.

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