Survival Checklist Supplement

These questions were created by CSc 206 students as a supplement to McConnell's Survival Checklist.

____ Does the project have a written training plan that will bring the developers up to the required level of competence with needed skills?

____ Are team meetings organized and productive?

____ Is the work among team members distributed evenly and fairly?

____ Are all the team members actually following the software processes adopted by the team?

____ Is each person actively involved in the development and progress of their portion of the project by producing meaningful, measurable results?

____ Does the project have a list of required technical skills needed for the project and a corresponding list of team members and their skills that might apply to the project?

____ Is the team depending on a "hero" or are crucial tasks and knowledge shared among all team members?

____ Was adequate time allocated between code completion and release to perform necessary integration and testing tasks?

____ Are old documents being maintained and updated so they are current and useful?

____ Is the customer liaison in regular communication (at least weekly) with the customer?

____ Does the project have a document that describes the detailed design of the system in layman's terms?

____ Is the software under development able to compile and run at all times?

____ Do you have one experienced tester who is not a developer on the project?

____ Does the team know how many defects to expect per 1000 lines of code?

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