About Our Team

Contact Information (Mgr)

Provide a link to a page (or include at bottom of page) which lists how to contact your team members.  Construct the email address as an HTML mailto tag.

Student Position Phone Cal Poly e-mail
Joe Student Manager 543-1111 jstudent@calpoly.edu
Sally Student Analyst 544-1111 sstudent@calpoly.edu
E-mail entire team:   teamX@waldorf.csc.calpoly.edu

Project Vision (Mgr)

Read McConnell pg 86-99.  Create a one sentence project vision statement and place it at the top of the team web page.

Team Expectations (Mgr)

Describe or list the norms or standards that everyone agrees will meet their individual needs while also leading to a successful project.  For example, "The maximum time spent on this class each week is 15 hours,"  "No work meeting continues past 2a.m."

Team Photo

Post the photo the instructor took of your team.

Anonymous Feedback (Mgr)

Provide an HTML form to allow anyone to post anonymous feedback about the project. Several options are available:

Whichever option you use, be sure the feedback reaches everyone on the team in a timely manner.  The QA mgr should save all feedback received for submittal with the final project deliverable.

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