Example Use Cases for Galaxy Sleuth

Use Case 3: Configure Game


      The first Player has started (see Create Game use case) and joined (see Join Game use case) the game successfully. 

Main Flow of Events:

      The Player is shown the ‘Configure Game’ screen.  On this screen the Player chooses the options of the minimum number of players to start the game with, the amount of time to wait for the game to start, and the amount of time that each Player will have per turn, and this use case ends.     


      The time limits and the minimum number of players to start the game with are set.  The game is ready to accept more players (see Join Game use case).

Use Case 4: Commence Game


This use case starts when the minimum starting requirements have been met (see Configure Game use case). 

Main flow of events:

The Game Board is loaded, the Suspect Tokens are set in their appropriate starting locations, the scenario is determined, and the evidence cards are sorted randomly and dealt to the players.  The initial board information is sent to the players, and this use case ends.

Exceptional flow of Events:

If the server detects that a Player has been disconnected from the game and the number of players falls below three, the game will send the remaining players back to the join game screen from which they came, and this use case ends.


The use case ends with the game in its starting position and ready for the first player to spin (see Player Move Standard use case).