CPE 205 Student Final Self-Evaluation

Your self-evaluation summarizes what you learned from the course project experience and what you accomplished or contributed to your team.  Consult the class schedule for the due date. The self-evaluation is required; you will not receive a course grade until you complete it. Structure your evaluation around the questions below, but feel free to elaborate as you see fit. Whenever possible, provide specific, concrete examples as evidence of what you have learned. Do not e-mail answers. I will only accept a printed document.

Take this seriously; it counts for five percent of your course grade. You should use your best written English and prepare an organized, coherent, and professional self-evaluation. Follow the course writing guidelines.  The paper will be graded using the Cal Poly Writing Proficiency Exam grading scale

Your evaluation should be accurate, concrete and specific (no ambiguity or vagueness), and provide measurable, objective evidence.  It should present a balanced analysis containing both things you succeeded at as well as areas that need improvement.

  1. What was your assigned role on your team? Attach a copy of the job description you created for your role. 
  2. What was your single greatest technical accomplishment or contribution to the team project? What concrete evidence have your produced of your contribution? Be specific.
  3. Discuss other major contributions to the project. Be specific; don't generalize about how you assisted here or helped there. If the contribution resulted from a shared task, identify all contributors.  Describe the specific artifact you produced.
  4. From your status report data, determine the average hours you worked per week and compare it to the planned hours per week (in the project plan). Show all calculations.  (Optional:  Count the number of action items you were assigned and the number completed and the number late).
  5. List the grade you received on each project deliverable:  SRS, UI Prototype, High Level Design, Detailed Design.
  6. Explain how you contributed to the group on the non-technical side. You might consider issues such as communication, cooperation, participation, reliable, quality of work, leadership. Did you conduct meetings, lead phases, solve personnel problems, coordinate tasks, allow the team to meet at your apartment, bake cookies, etc? Describe how your group was better because you were a member.
  7. Reflecting on our mistakes is a good way to learn from our experience.  Describe any significant mistakes that you made as an individual, and describe what you learned from those mistakes.
  8. What major mistakes did your team make on the project, and what did you learn from the experience?  Don't limit yourself to simple technical errors; you can also discuss procedural mistakes, team management and coordination, group dynamics, or any other relevant  issue.  Be specific, for example, "we didn't communicate very well" is too vague.  "E-mail messages often had massive grammar errors that resulted in misunderstandings" is better (athough this is probably a minor issue, not a major one).
  9. If you had to select from this class just one concept, technique, skill, etc, that had the most impact on you as a professional, what would it be and why? If possible, provide tangible evidence of how your behavior or attitudes have changed as a result.
  10. Based on the evidence you cited above, give yourself a final letter grade (on an A-F scale, plus/minus allowed) for your contribution to the PROJECT (not the course). Evaluate yourself, not your team. Assign a SINGLE grade, not a range. You need to judge yourself clearly, objectively, and accurately. Your assessment must be based on accomplishments, not effort. Explain your evaluation of yourself (perhaps referring to evidence above).

Updated Fri Dec 3 to include "attach job description" to item #1.