System Testing and Unit Testing

System Testing
Unit Testing
Testing the complete application
Testing individual components
Analogy: Verify a bicycle works by riding it
Verify the tire doesn't leak.
Verify the wheel is aligned.
Verify the brake will stop the wheel from turning.
run the main() method
execute individual methods
Isolating faults can be difficult: symptoms can be
far away from the cause.
Isolating faults is easy because only a small
amount of code is being exercised.

Which is done first?  Unit Testing.  Make sure all the components are working before you integrate them.

Manual Testing
Automated Testing
A human executes the program and uses their eyes and judgment to identify discrepancies from desired result.
A computer executes the program and compares actual result against expected result ("the oracle").
Very laborious and time-consuming
Very fast
Error-prone: relies on human observer
Doesn't rely on human to verify results
Often done ad-hoc ("on the fly") with insufficient thoroughness
Invites a systematic approach.

How to automate?

Automate system tests with unix 'diff' command.
Automate unit tests with JUnit tool.

(See Pizza Calculator example). (pdf)

More reasons to use JUnit.